JAKARTA - Justin Bieber wrote a sweet message to his wife, Hailey Bieber as the fifth wedding celebration. Through his Instagram account, the singer calls Hailey as a loved one.
"For the most dear. Five years. You captivate my heart. I know from the bottom of my soul to the bone that the journey with you goes beyond our wild expectations," wrote Justin Bieber.
"So let's keep dreaming, honey. Celebrate forever. I love you with all your dreams. HAPPY FIVE YEARS WEDDING!!!" closed Justin Bieber.
Justin includes several photos with Hailey, from the moment of dinner to going on vacation together. The upload also received congratulations from a number of celebrities through the comments column.
"Seeing this makes me happy. I love you both," wrote Khloe Kardashian.
'Relationship goals!' said Sean Kingston.
Gemasnya. Happy birthday menikah! kata Alfredo Flores.
Hailey Bieber also celebrated by sharing photos with her husband via Instagram. He wrote, 'I love you.' in the caption of the photo.
Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber first met on the Today Show in 2009. After making friends, they broke up until they got engaged in 2018. Justin announced in a post on his social media.
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The two were officially married in November 2020 where they held a reception in South Carolina and attended by their closest family and friends.
"I am very committed to spending my life loving you and loving you with patience and kindness. I promise to make our family with integrity follow the Lord Jesus who guides us in all the things and decisions we make," Justin Bieber said while writing the announcement.
The marriage did not always run smoothly. Netizens had suspected Hailey Bieber of seizing Justin Bieber from Selena Gomez. Hate comments filled the column of his third social media comments until they raised their voices.
Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber reminded their fans not to send hate messages to each other. They also met at one event and photographed their meeting.
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