6 Natural Ingredients from the Kitchen that Can Fertilize Orchid Plants
Illustration of natural ingredients from the kitchen that fertilize orchid plants (Freepik/wirestock)


YOGYAKARTA – Many chemical fertilizer products offer orchid plant fertility. However, if you have a preference for using chemical fertilizers and using natural ingredients from the kitchen so that orchid plants flower regularly and their leaves last a long time, you can use the following references. What's even more fun is that natural fertilizers are often used by gardeners so their good effects are beyond doubt. Interested in providing nutrition to these beautiful flowering ornamental plants, here are the ingredients.

1. Eggshells

It is common knowledge that eggshells can fertilize plants. If you use the eggs for family meals, don't throw away the shells. You can crush eggshells and sprinkle them on orchid flowers. Apart from that, you can boil the egg shells and cool the cooking water. Once cool, you can put the water in a spray bottle and spray it regularly on the orchid planting medium.

Illustration of natural ingredients from the kitchen that fertilize orchid plants (Freepik/ArthurHidden)

2. Epsom Salt

Orchid plants need magnesium for healthy and stronger roots. You can give one teaspoon of Epsom salt dissolved in water and then used as fertilizer regularly. According to the Napa Valley Orchid Society, Tuesday, September 12, there is not much research on why Epsom salt is effective as fertilizer for orchid plants. However, the formula for this type of salt is considered to meet the needs of micro and macro elements. So this salt helps the flowering process of orchids.

3. Milk or buttermilk

Both milk and buttermilk are sources of nitrogen that are rich in protein content. Apart from that, milk and buttermilk can also often be stocked as drinks in the kitchen. Instead of using milk as fertilizer, empty milk cartons should be filled with water and agitated, so that the milk dregs will move into the water. The milk can then be used to water the orchids.

4. Molasses or molasses

Molasses or molasses is a waste product from granulated sugar. One spoonful of molasses should be mixed with one or two glasses of water to water the orchid plant. It is important to know that molasses is rich in potassium which makes orchid plants fertile.

Illustration of natural ingredients from the kitchen that fertilize orchid plants (Freepik)

5. Potatoes

Potassium and small amounts of phosphorus are contained in potatoes. These two nutrients are necessary for the health, flowering, and growth of orchid plants. Unpeeled potatoes can be cut into small pieces and boiled until cooked. The water is cooled and can be poured on the bark in the pot so that the orchid plant gets potassium and phosphorus.

As an alternative, you can mix small pieces of unpeeled potato with small pieces of banana and then boil for a few minutes. Wait for the water to cool to room temperature, then you can pour the water into the orchid planting medium. To add magnesium, you can add Epsom salt.

6. Rice water

The water used to boil rice is rich in folate, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. These nutrients are important for the healthy growth of orchid plants. If you use brown rice, it will be better. To make it, the remaining water after the rice is cooked must be cooled and then used to water the orchids.

Apart from the delicious ingredients from the kitchen to fertilize the orchid plants above, you can also add leftover tea. It contains high nitrogen and could be an alternative to fertilizing your favorite orchid plants.

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