JAKARTA - The clarity of the online gambling promotion case that dragged the name Wulan Guritno has not yet been completed, now Denny Cagur's name is being carried away again in the flow of similar cases.
Initially, Denny Cagur's name appeared as a row of Indonesian celebrities who were suspected of participating in promoting online gambling from an account upload on Twitter social media on April 3.
According to the Twitter account, the 46-year-old comedian is promoting online gambling named Agen138. Apart from Denny Cagur, Boy William and Ari Lasso are suspected of being involved in this case.
Seeing this, Denny Cagur's wife, Shanty Widihastuti, denied that her husband was involved in promoting online gambling as alleged. Shanty also explained that she was never seen doing anything like that.
"I don't have a husband (online gambling promotion)," said Shanty when met in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, September 11.
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"I've never seen (he) promote online gambling, this doesn't exist, I think it's wrong," continued Shanty,
Previously, Bareskrim Polri said they wanted to summon artists suspected of participating in online gambling promotions. Finally, the artist Wulan Guritno, who had been sent a summons for questioning.
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