
JAKARTA - Almost a year passed, Arawinda Kirana again discussed the scandal of her alleged affair with a man named Guiddo Purba, Amanda Zahra's ex-husband. This began when he released a short film which was part of his schoolwork.

This film tells of a rape victim who chooses to remain silent during the time. Arawinda called this film an expression of her heart as a victim as outlined in the task.

Furthermore, Arawinda denied that he was the actor or male contester as had been revealed last year. He explained that he was a victim of rape and could not be reported because he felt he had no power and more money to take care of it.

"I made this film as a reflection of the cases of sexual violence that I experienced in 2022. So far, my case has been disguised by the perpetrator under a series of stories of perpetrators who were engineered and planted using cash divides and power dynamics," wrote Arawinda through his personal social media.

Unexpectedly, the upload was commented on by Vera Baaman, the mother of Amanda Zahra who is Guiddo's ex-wife. The mother asked why she didn't report it to the authorities if she was a victim of rape.

"Why don't you report to the police if you feel you are a victim? Don't use the cost, just report it, afraid to be caught?" asked Vera.

Vera is even open if this case is brought to the public. He called Hotman Paris' lawyer to take care of this case so that the public could find out the truth of the case that destroyed his son's household.

"Come on, bro @hotmanparisofficial, I'm Amanda's mother, instead I want this to be clear in the public, I want her to be open really, don't hide anything, my child's household has been destroyed, show me which one is right," he said again.

Amanda's mother also questioned the attitude of Arawinda who could not be invited to meet, but always voiced herself on social media.

"Where can I go, I was invited to meet you or not... if you feel like you are a victim here, you meet me, Amanda, and Baby Lei," he said again.

In 2022, Arawinda Kirana is suspected of being the third person from Amanda Zahra and Guiddo Purba's household. Amanda, who revealed the story from her side, explained that the news was true.

However, KITE Entertainment as Arawinda's management did not justify the news. They said Arawinda was a victim of Guideddo's manipulation. However, Amanda also provided evidence that Arawinda is the third person so that their relationship cannot be called manipulation.

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