
YOGYAKARTA Regular walking is proven to provide health benefits. But what about the weight loss program? It turns out that experts and research show astonishing evidence. Research published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry shows walking can burn fat and reduce waist circumference in fat women.

The study reports that women who walk between 50-70 minutes 3 days a week with a total of 12 weeks, lose an average of 1.5 percent body fat and 2.794 cm waist circumference. Next, you can follow the following trick to get the maximum walking effect to lose weight.

Running fast to burn calories is more than running slowly. That is, in the weight loss program it is necessary to run fast. This is also evidenced in the study that when people increase their speed and run, they burn more calories. It is important to pay attention, increasing speed does not mean running. You can take a speed higher than usual walking to burn extra calories and lose weight.

Adding extra weight to practice will burn more calories. This is because the body needs more energy when wearing a weighted vest.

The study, reported by Medical News Today, Tuesday, August 15, shows that it runs at a speed of 4.2 kilometers per hour on a flat surface while wearing a weighted vest weighing 15 percent of the body weight. The result will burn calories more than 12 percent than not wearing a weighted vest.

But even if a weighted vest can help burn extra calories, one must avoid wearing a burden on the ankle or wrist to prevent muscle imbalance and injury. Also talk to your doctor, because of course you have to prevent back and neck injuries due to additional weight load like a vest.

You can increase the tilt of the treadmill or you can also walk uphill a little for outdoor walking routines. You can also use stairs for two to three times a week to help lose weight.

In addition to walking, you need to focus on tightening your stomach muscles and improving posture. It can be done during walking in a short interval and by applying certain techniques you can continue your walking routine to burn more calories.

Walking to lose weight, it is necessary to add endurance training, such as tricep dips. This makes your walking more useful. By adding muscle growth, burning calories will be more. Exercises that can be done, such as squat, pushups, burpees, and tricep exercises. Short exercises to increase muscles, can help increase heart rate and form muscles.

Called power walking, it can be an effective way for you to increase the number of calories burned while walking. Power walking can be done for 5-10 minutes as a warm-up. Then increase the speed of continuation for 10-15 seconds. This interval can be repeated during running, but it must be regulated.

Maybe you don't have much time to walk. So you can share it into three short sessions. Experts believe that taking a walk after meals can bring benefits. Then you can take advantage of 15 minutes after breakfast, lunch, and evening to walk. It also helps control blood sugar levels better.

Experts believe that ideally to get fitness based on a pedometer to take 10,000 steps per day. This is 8.047 kilometers away and done consistently. Some may by adding the duration and distance each day. However, any steps taken by a person exceeding the number of normal daily steps can help them lose weight.

Well, from the walking trick to lose the weight above, you can do the same as the time and facilities you have. If you don't choose a few tricks, for example, choose a long parking lot to get the opportunity to walk, choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or walk out of the room while resting.

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