
JAKARTA - Being an actress who also lives daily life as a wife and mother is not an easy matter.

At least that's what the Citra Cup-winning actress, Laura Basuki, has to live with.

Even though taking care of your family remains a priority, it is not uncommon for Laura Basuki to need time for herself or me time.

For him, me time is needed as a form of love for yourself.

By taking the time for yourself, Laura Basuki feels that she can avoid feeling stressed about her routine.

However, the 35-year-old actress did not choose to go on vacation as a way to get away from her daily routine. He chose to work as a me time.

"How to love yourself so that you don't stress, so you don't overwhelmed, that's one of them by working," said Laura Basuki in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Friday, August 4.

Laura Basuki revealed that her current work can provide her own color for her life. Moreover, her family is at home, including a very calm family, so sometimes it requires other challenges outside.

"By working, filming, meeting a lot of people, then entering various roles, it's actually healing for me too," said Laura Basuki.

"Because I have a quiet family, who is calm, sometimes I also need time outside to meet other excitements. So life is more colorful," he continued.

Laura Basuki feels that she has the opportunity to focus on her desire or passion while working.

Instead of thinking about home affairs, he can concentrate on exploring his role while working.

"For me, work is when I don't think about home, but think more about the role at that time," he added.

Another me time for Laura Basuki is by taking care of herself. This is a form of love for yourself to increase self-confidence.

Karena itu salah satu bentuk kepercayaan. Dengan kita merawat, menjaga kulit misalnya, menggunakan skincare yang tepat, itu pasti mood-nya akan jauh lebih baik, pungkas Laura Basuki.

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