
JAKARTA - Behind his experience as a model, it turns out that Patricia Gouw was underestimated by her closest people when she was a child. However, now he is proud and not afraid to show himself who is confident and is himself to this day.

"Today I stand here as brand ambassador, choosing me because of me, which used to be considered flaws by my parents," said Patricia at the launch of beauty products in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 25.

The Flaws or deficiencies that Patricia meant were her transpuan-like style of speech and often joking. According to Patricia's parents, her style at that time did not match her because the stigma of a female figure must be elegant and not be excessive.

Not only his parents, his school friends often call Patricia the term "Aming." When he was at school, Patricia had a thin posture and a little muscular on her arm, so Aming's call referring to one of the comedians in Indonesia was addressed to him.

Not without reason, Patricia is known to be actively playing basketball during her schooling, so her body is thin because of her exercise. She also often does outdoor activities, so her skin becomes brown due to exposure to the sun.

Patricia has started to take care of herself until now known as one of the popular public figures in Indonesia. Over time, he became more confident and tried his best to be himself.

"It turns out that my flaws are acceptable to many people and finally (they) chose me as a brand ambassador," Patricia said as quoted by ANTARA.

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