YOGYAKARTA - Honey is one of the drinks that is known to have many benefits for the health of the body. This drink is recommended to be consumed by anyone from various circles, from children to adults. But when is the best time to drink honey so that its benefits are actually obtained?
Honey is a natural drink produced from honey bees. This slightly thick drink has various flavors, ranging from sweet, bitter, acidic, to a combination of the three flavors. Usually honey is drunk to increase the immune system to treat health problems.
So that the benefits of honey can be obtained optimally, it is better to pay attention to the right method and time to eat honey. So when is the best time to drink honey according to health experts?
Although actually honey can be drunk at any time, certain times are consumed by honey to get maximum benefits. The best time to drink honey is in the morning and before bed.
If you want to eat honey in the morning, it's best to do it before breakfast. When you drink honey in an empty stomach condition, it will help digestion and provide energy to the body.
When the stomach is empty, digestion can work optimally in absorbing honey nutrients. In addition, honey intake also plays a good role in the body's metabolism for both children and adults.
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If you want to drink honey at night, it's best to do it before bed. Drinking honey before bed can help you sleep well. In addition, honey is also useful for maintaining the digestive system and making the body relax. Likewise, when you wake up in the morning, your body will feel fresher.
In addition to the choice of time in consuming honey, how to drink also has an effect on getting maximum benefits. How to eat honey right?
The ideal dose of drinking honey in the morning is about three to five tablespoons. By consuming that much honey, you can get enough stamina until noon. The dose also applies to drinking honey at night before bed. You will feel relaxed body so you can fall asleep easily.
Honey can actually be drunk directly without being mixed with water. If you want to eat honey mixed with water, then you should use normal or warm water.
Avoid mixing honey with boiling hot water because the properties will decrease. Because if honey is mixed with water with a temperature of 90 degrees and above, the enzyme content in honey can be damaged.
If you want to explore in consuming honey, you can mix honey with lime or salt. The recipe can be useful for cleaning the liver and improving digestion. In addition, the nutritional content in lime can also increase the body's immune system so that it is more protected from disease attacks.
You can also mix honey with lime and salt. The mixture of the three ingredients will provide more benefits to the body. A number of benefits are obtained, including improving the digestive system, increasing immunity, and maintaining liver health.
That's a review of the best time to drink honey which is the right way to eat it. Although honey can be consumed directly, it is better to apply the steps above so that it can get maximum honey benefits.
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