JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani's son, Lolly is back in the conversation. Recently, a video showing him drunk at an event circulated on social media.
Realizing that it was a public conversation, Lolly immediately wrote his response regarding the video circulating. He did not deny that the woman in the video was him. But he has several explanations about the video.
"The video was taken two weeks ago, I don't know why you made it a big problem now and after all it's a wedding party," Lolly wrote on his social media.
He emphasized that while drinking, he received scrutiny from adults. In his statement he also explained that he continued his studies in England to tell his experience while celebrating the prom.
"I drank under adult scrutiny, but I reacted like that in the video because I didn't eat anything and a lot of things happened with a lot of people asking to be photographed," said Lolly.
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"First I was here, in England it was to learn. What I want to say is don't lie about my intention to be in England," he said.
Furthermore, Lolly also asked the public not to equate life in England with Indonesia. He also believes that he has lived a life with awareness so that he does not need criticism from netizens who protest.
"I was just drunk, the world was excited, even though it was a video 2 weeks ago. I also drank with adults, I'm sorry, barbie dizzy," said Lolly.
"When I prom at school, I drank wine and the school gave me, netizens had their lives complicated," he continued.
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