
JAKARTA - The dance committee from the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) held a performance presentation from ten Indonesian artists at the Wahyu Sihombing Theater, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Saturday (1/7) night. "This program aims to become a place for developing choreography discussions based on the local context for increasing the capacity of artists," said Chairman of the DKJ Dance Committee Yola Yulfianti, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Performance presentations are part of the artistic development workshop program from the series of 'DKJ Fest 2023' events. The artistic development workshop itself has been held since 2020 as a response to the pandemic and is carried out in a sustainable manner.

This year, a performance presentation in artistic development workshops raises the theme of spirituality and dance in urban contexts. The program has become a forum for young artists who come from diverse backgrounds to develop their professional ideas and performances, including relationships around dance and spirituality.A total of ten local artists present a variety of performances that not only involve dance, but also other art content, such as language and drama to enrich their creativity. Ten artists were selected in performing presentations, including Al Imran Karim, Annastasya Verina, Aulia Detha Amalia, Dimas E. Prasinggih, Ishvara Devati, Jacko Kaneko, Rheza Oktavia, Tiara Sophie Trinita, Yulfan Annur Guluda (Reboo), and Zulfikar Syukur.

The series of activities leading to the performance presentation have been carried out since June 26, starting from preparation to performance on the D day of July 1, 2023 yesterday. According to the DKJ Dance Committee, a performance presentation is not the final result and is still possible to develop and be displayed in other art events.

Uniknya, presentasi performatif tersebut menggunakan format ruang terbuka, dengan para seniman penampil memposisikan ide dan gagasan artistiknya sebagai sumber daya terbuka. Pertunjukkan pun tidak hanya dilakukan di dalam ruang teater saja, melainkan juga di area terbuka sekitar teater, yakni kantin dan selasar teater, sesuai dengan kreativitas yang mereka lakukan.Sementara itu, DKJ Fest 2023 merupakan rangkaian program dari Komite Tari, Komite Film, dan Komite Seni Rupa DKJ untuk penguatan ekosistem seni dan menjaga kepentingan seni publik di Jakarta. Tahun ini, DKJ Fest mengambil tema “Kelindan: Meretas Kahar Ekosistem Seni” dan akan berlangsung hingga 7 Juli 2023.

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