
JAKARTA - Having beautiful and well-maintained nails is the dream of everyone, especially women, but everyone has different nails, which can cause brittle or weak nails.

Quoted from Makeup.com Tuesday, June 27, manikur Rita Remark said weak nails can sometimes be caused by genetics. In addition, brittle nails can also be caused by surface damage, such as improper application or removal of gels and acrylics, poor age, health, or strong treatment. Another most common cause of brittle nails is lack of hydration, both internally and externally.

Here are some ways to strengthen nails so they are not easily fragile and stay healthy. One of them is by thinking about the nails correctly and in one direction. Kikir with your cumicula natural shape while thinking about the tips of your nails.

Next use a nail-boosting comb. Use this treatment to provide nutrients to the nails and give the impression of a natural glow. If you can't separate from your favorite nail polish color, make sure to use a stronger base layer.

Don't remove nail polish in an inappropriate way because it can damage your natural nails. Also use articula oil every day to strengthen nails and moisturize nails.

Experts also recommend limiting exposure to acetones and other chemicals such as gels, powders, acrylics, and home cleaning chemicals. Also limit the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers because they will dry the skin around the nails.

In addition, also use hand cream to help keep your hands and nail pads soft and moist. Also review nutritional and hydrated intake to strengthen your nails and avoid exposure to hot water too often.

In addition, it is also important to keep it in natural circumstances from time to time. Nails also become fragile because they continue to use acrylic paint, gels or even regular nail polish, damaging the strength and health of nails.

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