
Citra Kirana also supports her husband, Rezky Aditya, for the problem of the biological father status of Wenny Ariani's son, Naira Kaemita Tarekat, aka Kekey.

The 29-year-old actress supports her husband's decision to say he is ready to do a DNA test, in order to prove the true biological father of Kekey.

"In fact, I really support my husband to do a DNA test, to break doubts," said Citra Kirana as quoted by YouTube Ana Sofa Yuking, Wednesday, June 21.

For Citra, the Supreme Court's decision to reject Rezky's cassation did not change the slightest condition of his household. He said that there was nothing to worry about from the decision.

"And from this decision of the Supreme Court, God willing, it will not change anything in my family relationship. There is nothing to worry about anymore," he said.

However, Citra did not deny that it was hard for him to see Rezky in trouble with Wenny Ariani and Kekey.

"I've been trying to be patient and strong to deal with this problem, even though it's hard for me," he said.

Citra is aware that each household has its own problems. He also asked for prayer support from many parties so that his family could get through the problems they faced.

"In the future, please pray for our family so that my husband, Mas Rezky, can continue to live our domestic life strongly, patiently. I always remember the message from Aunt Ana that every household must have problems, depending on how we strengthen each other and how to take lessons from all the problems we face. So, once again please pray for us," concluded Citra Kirana.

At the same moment, Rezky Aditya denied that he refused to do a DNA test. He even challenged Wenny Ariani to contact his attorney to prove the truth of Kekey's biological father.

"Once again I say, if the plaintiff wants to do a DNA test, please contact my attorney, to discuss the technical and implementation," said Rezky Aditya.

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