YOGYAKARTA In terms of understanding yourself, it is important to know competence and be skilled at building self-esteem. The reason is, these two things are often unbalanced. There are so many people with qualified competence who do not have sufficient self-esteem. This means that in every achievement achieved by skill and competence, it is important to measure self-worth. For this reason, pay attention to the following signs of people who tend to excel but have low self-esteem.
Do you often think you should be able to handle everything yourself? For example, you have to go to your own doctor without asking a friend to accompany you. Or maybe you think you want to be multitasking without help to take care of your house and work full. This is a sign that you are ignoring self-worth.
A second sign, a person may hope to achieve good results in every way. But without training, without making mistakes, or not accepting mistakes, it could be a sign that you don't respect the experience you're doing. This means, when hoping to become an expert, it is necessary to give yourself space as a beginner to start something.
According to the explanation of Alice Boyes' researcher and writer, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Friday, June 16, if you blame yourself for other people's mistakes, it means that you think you didn't extract yourself properly. For example, you have a wrong diagnosis by a doctor. Instead of thinking it's their fault, you who lack respect for yourself think it's your fault for not choosing a better doctor.
The mind can wander so wild. Sometimes the desire can follow until it encourages them to pursue many things that they do not respect themselves. People who respect themselves will be grateful for what they have and remain motivated to develop themselves.
Shame can happen to anyone, but it is often experienced by someone who is competent but lacks self-respect. For example, when a child is sick and doesn't go to school but you feel ashamed because of it. Incidents that really happen to happen, need to be accepted, realized, then corrected if possible. Not misunderstood as an aspect that reduces a person's competence.
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Sometimes, high-achieving people connect their achievements with external values. They do not consider self-esteem, or internal value, to contribute to the achievements obtained. This perspective can strengthen the view that outstanding workers are of lower value.
Those are the six signs of low self-esteem in people who excel. The explanation above can be a reflection on how meaningful you are and the need to appreciate the hard efforts you have made to achieve achievements.
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