
YOGYAKARTA Demiromantic is used to call someone who is rarely interested in romantic relationships. Interest is only felt at the beginning of the relationship. Furthermore, it is difficult to feel a romantic moment with his partner. Some of the signs experienced by a demiromantic, including the following.

Even though all friends start a new relationship easily, demaromantic is the opposite. They rarely feel in love with other people. Even when they are sexually attracted, a demiromantic is often attracted to people they already know. Interest is also often in close friends who often develop love.

Generally, falling in love at first sight feels flowery. But for demiromantic, never experiencing a beautiful flower blooms in the love of the first sight. When dealing with someone demiromantic, the relationship feels slow moving or has no progress in the future. Even though you are sexually attracted to certain people, demiromantic does not feel romantic.

Launching VerywellMind, Monday, May 22, because demaromantic people do not often experience romantic feelings, they may find fewer romantic relationships. Therefore, it takes time for them to believe and be open. Building emotional intimacy also takes time and effort. Feelings may slowly develop starting from self-expression to feeling comfortable. Once intimacy and trust are built, the romantic feeling of demiromantic will grow.

The process of opening a man's heart is quite long. Therefore, they prefer to start a relationship on the basis of friendship. Then romantic relationships often last longer.

According to Middle Tennessee State University assistant professor of communication science, Natalie Hoskins, Ph.D., demaromantic requires open and loving communication. Like in any relationship, communication does need to be well established. Well, if you have a romantic relationship with someone demaromantic, quality time is needed together. It is also important to pursue mutual interests, deep conversations, connect with each other, and build emotional intimacy.

That's an important thing to know about someone who rarely feels romantic or known as demaromantic. Demiromantic comes from Latin, dimmedius which means half. This terminology shows that demaromantic is just a romantic part of some situations. Someone who identifies as demiromantic, means they only experience romantic feelings for someone after forming a strong emotional bond for the first time.

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