
YOGYAKARTA The cleanliness of the genital area is important to maintain. Although it often cleans regularly, sexual hygiene requires more than that. Called sexual hygiene, according to Bill Taverner of The Center for Sex Education, the definition is very broad. This includes cleanliness of communication with a partner of course. To understand in more detail, here's a list that must be hygienic for sex better.

The skin of the male genital area is no different from the skin area of other parts of the body. So cleaning once a day is enough to avoid itching. Bathing before having sex also needs to be done, especially those who have sex with penis penetration.

Men need to change their underwear every day to avoid infection, irritation, and smell. If you are very sweaty in your activities, changing your underwear in the middle of the day may be needed. In addition, choose the best underwear, such as from cotton that doesn't moisturize your skin.

This is a good practice to get used to examining penis and tester, reported by Men's Journal, Wednesday, May 10. Such as checking if there are lumps, redness, wounds, abrasions, warts, and other signs that show problems. If you find a lump or a painful condition, consult a doctor immediately.

Quality communication between sexual partners is a big part of sexual hygiene. Maybe uncomfortable talking about sexual health, but getting used to doing it will make a big difference in the future.

Routine checks need to be carried out and it is very important to be open and honest about their sexual history during visits. For people who are sexually active, ask for an STD test and ask for a pap smear test from women.

For women, it is often waxing, but most people admit that they cut their pubic hair. This is important to do but it is important to know that pubic hair has benefits. The pubic hair is also believed to hold back and spread your hair.

In sexual activity, in certain styles or positions, it may lead to tearing or bleeding at certain levels. This includes children and vaginal sex with penetration, Tavener suggests wearing condoms. This minimizes risks, such as PMS transmission, so for this reason it is recommended to use them for most sexual activities.

Couples can take care of each other by checking each other's signs of infection or other sexual health problems. Often, couples who find lumps and then can be examined by medical professionals. Just like men, women also need to check when the genital area has redness, bumps, abrasions, or warts.

In addition to the list of sexual hygiene above, it is also important to note that many PMS do not show any visual symptoms. So an important annual test is carried out even though everything looks fine.

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