
YOGYAKARTA Sex is responsible for the moments of life afterward. Therefore, the situation and consent need to be agreed upon by the two people who do it. Including a committed partner, it is possible to feel sad, angry, and anxious after having sex. According to experts, this is normal and is called post-coital dysphoria. How can post-coital dysphoria be experienced and what is the cause? This is his explanation.

Post-coital dysphoria is part of the cycle of human sexual response. Such response cycles include excitement, rising levels, orgasm, and resolution. Post-coital dysphoria conditions can be part of the resolution'' phase. Obviously sexologist Emilie Laviniia reported by Vogue, Sunday, April 16, post-coital dysphoria (PCD) is a strange but relative general phenomenon that makes one feel sad, lonely, and anxiety intense after sex. The cause of post-coital dysphoria is highly varied. It is important for each couple to know its various types and pays attention to these conditions.

Post-sex sadness is a natural body response, because hormones peak and decrease before, during, and after sexual activity. You can get the best sex in your life, total mental relaxation, and body pleasure, and still feel sad, restless, moved, and cry afterwards, "explained Lavinia.

This condition is caused by hormones, mental stimulators such as memories. Besides being triggered by sensual and physical factors, such as scents, the way you are touched, the environment around you, energy levels, and mental conditions during sexual activity. Emelie's advice is important to ask yourself whether the symptoms of PCD come from something more serious or personal.

"PCD can also be caused by mental associations with sex such as shame on society, fear and regret, trauma stored in the body and other psychological factors that can depend on circumstances or long-term problems," Emelie said.

Post-coital dysphoria is more often experienced by women. But the reasons are quite complicated, but can be triggered by mixes of shame and internalized fear related to sex. Plus, women have historically tended to worry about sex and regret the consequences.

In addition to what is explained because of the internal and external situation, a person can experience post-coital dysphoria due to rising and decreasing hormones in the menstrual cycle. This can increase the sensitivity and emotional response to intimacy. Even pregnancy and menopause can also increase the chances of developing PCD.

In men, PCD is experienced when they feel very tired and without generalizing, both men and women can experience it after sex. Emelie's recommendation to overcome this condition is to increase the emotional scale for the sake of a more positive feeling.

The practice can be by increasing intimacy with your partner by meditation. Or the simple way, by hugging, staring at, saying words of affirmation can also increase the happy hormone, oxytocin and dopamine. In a special language, it is called the involvement of each coupled person for aftercare. That way it increases the sense of comfort, security, and fights the hormones of stress, cortisol and adrenaline.

Direct is also a great way to calm the nervous system. Some studies have shown that controlling breathing helps calm and regulate emotions. Meditation, repeating calming or calming mantra can also have a positive effect," Emelie suggested.

When experiencing post-coital dysphoria, you can experience and observe emotions. Then write down your thoughts in the journal. Emelie's last suggestion, if you find PCD very disturbing, to the point of wanting to hurt yourself or others, talk to a doctor or seek help from a mental health professional or a psycho-sexual expert.

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