
JAKARTA - Homecoming to their hometowns, especially before Lebaran, sometimes creates anxiety for some prospective travelers, especially the safety of the house when left for homecoming. The following are tips from Pegipegi as reported by ANTARA to help keep the house safe as long as it is left for homecoming.

Locking doors and windows is the most important thing to do when leaving the house. Doors and windows are usually the main streets that allow thieves to enter the most. So, make sure you don't forget to lock all doors and windows of the house.

In addition, do not leave the keys under the pot, keset, or other places because the keys left in such places are very easy for thieves to find.

Electric short circuits are often the cause of fires at home. Before going home, check and turn off all electronic devices in the house. After that, pull out all the plugs that are still installed in the socket and pull out the gas hose that is still installed to avoid the fire.

For those who will leave the house for a long time, you should store all valuables, such as jewelry, important documents or money in a place that has keys, such as a small drawer in a cupboard or safety box. Then bring the key so that no one can open it.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the house is also an important thing when going home. This is to avoid the entry of animal animals such asbags, mice, ants and so on. Those who will go home need to clean the entire room at home and cover the sewers before leaving. Don't forget to throw all the garbage in the house so that it doesn't smell rotten.

Houses that look empty can attract the attention of thieves. Therefore, it is important to outwit bad people who usually target empty houses with some easy things to do.

For example, install a light that can be arranged when to turn on and off so that it can turn on automatically at night and die automatically when the morning arrives. In addition, prospective travelers can also put sandals or shoes in front of the house to make it look like someone is inside.

Prospective travelers are advised to notify the security guard at the complex that they will leave the house for some time. That way, the security guard can help to better supervise the house every day during his homecoming. Also report to the head of the local RT that the house is empty so that if something bad happens, it can be followed up immediately.

Before leaving, make sure to check and lock all access to the house. However, it would be better if you set an alarm at home for extra security, or use a padlock with a uniform for the fence of the house. That way, the alarm will sound loud when the house is forcibly entered so that neighbors and security officers can act immediately when they hear the sound of the alarm.

CCTV or surveillance cameras are the best alternative so that people want to feel calmer when leaving their homes, especially for going home for a long time. This CCTV camera allows prospective travelers to be able to monitor the condition and condition of the house remotely, anywhere and anytime. Instead, install CCTV cameras on areas that allow vital access in the house such as the front yard area, front entrance, back door, central space, to the backyard.

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