
YOGYAKARTA Many people like to snack but need to be considered for health. Snacks are recommended during the day. As for the night, you need to recognize what to do and avoid.

Snacks during the day, snacks can add fuel to your body cells. Especially if you are active in rushes and activities. Here are tips for eating healthy snacks that you can practice every day.

Some people may choose to snack twice a day. At the time before lunch and before evening before evening. But it's important to hear your stomach. If it's not time for lunch but already hungry, snacking is a way to be disciplined at your meal hours.

Launching Healthline, Tuesday, April 11, listening to your hungry and body full signal is a good awareness exercise. Research also attributes a healthier diet to a healthier relationship with food. So, snacking is basically not limited to hours but is tailored to the needs of the body.

When thinking about delicious food, you can also choose snacks that are filling and delicious. Such as nuts, walnuts, dried fruit, or if possible, you can eat fresh foods that are not processed excessively. If you snack on fruits, you can add peanut butter.

To eat a high fiber food, it is recommended to eat fruit with the skin. For example, apples eaten with the skin. In addition, there are pods that are also high in fiber. Plus, seeds such as wheat, corn, rice, and quinoa that are not purified can be a good source of fiber. If you find packaged snacks made from chia seeds, you can also be consumed in a limited amount.

Protein, fiber, and sodium are good nutrients to pay attention to when snacking. Protein-rich snacks are very good after exercising because protein plays an important role in building and repairing muscles. Well, sodium, according to the American Heart Association, 70 percent is obtained from processed foods and restaurants. So consider low-sodium food products with a size of less than 140 milligrams.

It's okay to replace food with snacks while traveling. Especially if you don't have free time to sit and eat completely. Balanced snacks that contain all three macronutrients, including carbo, fat, and protein. For example, smoothie made from a mixture of fruit containing carbohydrates, rich in fiber, added chia seeds and peanut butter that contains healthy fats and protein.

Those are the five tips for eating snacks in a healthy manner. So if you snack at night, choose high-fiber foods and measure the portion.

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