
YOGYAKARTA Suku Quraish is one of the Arab tribes that settles in Makkah and its surroundings. This tribe has a special place in Islamic belief. The reason is, the Prophet Muhammad SAW is part of the Quraish Tribe. The position of this noble tribe in the eyes of Islam makes the custom of the Quraish people try to be imitated by some Muslims.

The privilege of the Quraish Tribe itself cannot be separated from the historical factors of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who had ancestors from the tribe. Because of this privilege, Allah then immortalized the name of the tribe in the Quran, namely Surat Quraish.

Surat Al-quraisy adalah surat surat yang terdiri dari 4 ayat dan masuk dalam kategori Makkiyah. Al-quraisy menjadi surat ke-106 dalam al-Qur'an. Surat tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana kehidupan suku Quraish di masa itu. Adapun bunyi surat Al-quraisy adalah sebagai berikut.

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, it's not.

Li-ilaafi quraisyin iilaafihim Rhlatasy syitaa-i wash shaif. Falya 'buduuu rabba haadzaal baitil ladzii ath'amhum min juu'in wa aamanahum min khauf.


Because of the habits of the Quraish people (1); namely their habit of traveling in winter and summer (2); so let them worship the God (owners) of this house (Kabah), (3); who have given them food to get rid of hunger and keep them out of fear (4)

In the letter, it explains the habits carried out by the Quraish Tribe, precisely in paragraph 1-2, namely traveling in winter and summer. Quoted from NU Online, this habit is immortalized in the Koran because the tribe has a trade and honesty system they have in trade.

In the summer the Quraish tribes travel to the north, while in winter they will go to the South. In some sources it is said that during the summer they headed to the Roman region, while during the winter they went to Syam. But some other sources say that during the winter they stay in Makkah, they will travel during the summer to Thaif.

The beginning of the Quraish tradition of traveling in two seasons is when they are led by Hasyim bin Abdul Manaf, an influential person of his time. One time he said to the residents to travel to a warm place during the winter makkah, and go to a cool place during the summer makkah. After returning from the trip, the travelers returned to Makkah by bringing food supplies or carrying goods from trading.

Over time, Makkah developed into a crowded trade center. Many new markets have just been established. Makkah was also visited by tradefers from various directions, both in the summer and winter. Their trading habits also went down to Muhammad SAW who accompanied Abu Thalib, his uncle, for trade in Syam at the age of 12.

Apart from this story, the habits of the Quraish Tribe can be imitated by Muslims around the world, especially people in Indonesia. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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