
JAKARTA -Love at first sight or fall in love at first sight. Speaking of falling in love, it usually occurs between men and women or in short lovers who are drunk with romance.

But if you take this feeling of love more broadly, it's not just a relationship between men and women. Loving and being loved is not a feeling that can only be owned by a couple or a husband and wife relationship. Loving or feeling of affection is certainly very permissible, even in relationships such as parents and children or friendship.

This love is closely related to chemistry, aka the feeling of clicking, connecting, matching our partner. Many say that chemistry is very important in the existence of a relationship.

Former TNI Commander General (Ret.) Andika Perkasa discussed this chemistry when asked about the reason for supporting PDIP cadre Ganjar Pranowo ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Although there has been no official declaration from PDIP, the name of the man who has served as Army Chief of Staff has recently been widely linked as a candidate for vice president for Ganjar as a presidential candidate from PDIP in the election next year. The issue seems to be strengthened by the presence of Andika Perkasa who accompanied Ganjar in a volunteer event in the Ancol Area, North Jakarta, Sunday (30/7/2023).

Looking at Andika Perkasa's background in the TNI, it is certainly a bit surprising why he actually supports Ganjar as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election. Even though among the three names that have declared that they will fight next year, Prabowo Subianto, who is a senior in the TNI.

But Andika Perkasa admitted that his decision to elect Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate that he supported at the people's party in 2024 was due to liver problems.

In my opinion, this is only a matter of where our clique taste is, our chemistry. We can work with anyone, this presidential election is in order to vote, once one of them becomes president, it is possible for these three people to work together again. So in my opinion, we still have to be able to work together with all of them," said Andika during a conversation with VOI, Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

"With Mr. Anies, I've met several times, we worked together during COVID-19 even though we didn't meet in person, with Prabowo in the same corps. But about the click, there's something that can't be explained, so I feel more appropriate.

"It's about matching, it's about whether it's in line with our conscience. All political parties have the same basis, so they relatively have the same goals. But again, there is something more appropriate," Andika added, regarding his decision to join the PDIP when deciding to join politics.

Chemistry is not an easy feeling to describe in words. Maybe only Andika Perkasa knows why he feels so connected, so he fits Ganjar Pranowo even though the age of their friendship has not been so long. Recognized by the man who was born on December 21, 1964, he hasn't known Ganjar for too long. He only often meets the man who currently serves as Governor of Central Java since 2019.

But maybe don't underestimate this chemistry problem. As previously mentioned, chemistry is important in a relationship, including the relationship between the presidential and vice presidential candidates as felt by Andika Perkasa towards Ganjar Pranowo.

Chemistry is a feeling that is related and connected to other people. Simply put, chemistry is a sense of interconnection with each other.

Chemistry can be the initial capital, although not the most important, to build a secretion relationship between the presidential and vice presidential candidates in Indonesia. Entering the political year, the word chemistry has become a trend because it is increasingly often heard in people's ears, even though previously the word was only related to the love relationship between adams and women.

Last June, for example, the General Chairperson of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, admitted that there was chemistry with the Democratic Party. He said basic capital chemistry that could be capitalized for something. Then Sandiaga Uno, Chairman of the United Development Party Election Winning Body (PPP), said that he had a match with Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate.

"We have good chemistry and this week we have met three times," said Sandiaga Uno to the media at the house of former Bogor Regent Rachmat Yasin, Bogor Regency, West Java, on July 22.

Then, is chemistry alone enough to take care of a country as big as Indonesia and its people who are so pluralistic. The answer is certainly not. Andika Perkasa himself admitted that politics was actually new to him. Prior to this, he had been active in the TNI for four decades with various positions. Finally served as the 21st TNI Commander on November 17, 2021 to December 19, 2022.

Andika Perkasa replaces Hadi Tjahjanto before finally being replaced by Admiral Yudo Margono. Andika Perkasa is enthusiastic about waiting for the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections because it will be his first experience of noblos.

"I'm just starting, actually I really want to get into politics because that's what we have to guide. It all started there, that every person who can enter the executive government without going through a political party can, the executive is also chosen based on the election results, then the executive also has a role in managing the existing political parties, the DPR as the supervisor, and so on," Andika explained.

"I'm just starting, and what is clear is that next year I will vote for the first time in my life, after 59 years, excited," he added.

Then, what does a leader need with all the complexity he will face? According to Andika, a leader must at least understand geopoliticals, must understand the greatest potential that exists in Indonesia. So, yes, it's not just chemistry capital to be able to build the country.

Andika felt that her life was different after she retired from the TNI last January. Without a number of work problems, she felt that nothing was burdening her mind anymore. However, Andika Perkasa emphasized that she did not set a high target in the political world she was currently pursuing, which is considered the second career after the TNI.

"There are many differences after retiring, especially after the load. Those who lost weight, at that time they were always faced with targets, targets, problems and problems. Now everything can be seen from my face," said Andika with a laugh.

"At all not. This is second career, my main career I've been through for 40 years, I've seen my second career in a long term. For me this is the beginning of a second career journey that will be long.

"About the Vice Presidential Candidate, it's not official yet, and I'm aware of myself. It's not a matter of target because from the start I just wanted to give a vote, regardless of what role. So there's no burden at all."

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