Who Is Mahfud MD?

JAKARTA - The former Minister of Defense in the era of President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was born with the full name Muhammad Mahfud, in Omben, Sampang, Madura, on May 13, 1957. The fourth child of seven children of Mahmodin and Siti Khadijah. His family life is very religiously nuanced, followed by the strong customs of the cultural role of the Madurese community at that time.

Starting from elementary school at SD Negeri Waru, Pamekasan, Madura, it was not enough for her parents. Mahfud was also involved in Madrasah Diniyah and recitation in various surau. Entering the age of seven, Mahfud is accustomed to undergoing activities with a fairly high rhythm. In the morning he goes to formal school at the State School, in the afternoon he continues studying at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, from evening until the next morning spent in Surau to study religion.

As was common among the Madurese community at that time, becoming a religious expert, teacher of the Koran, and the great cleric of ulama would one day be very prestigious in the eyes of the social and cultural structure of the Madurese community. So that after the elementary school level, Mahfud was escorted to the Religious Teacher Education School (PGA).

The history of the name MD, which is Mahfud's popular last name until now, was obtained when he was in school. At that time, there were three children with the same name in one class named Mahfud. In order not to confuse, the teacher characterized the three Mahfud names based on initials taken from their parents' names, and Mahfud was given the MD label because his parent was Mahmodin.

After four years of education, he was successfully elected to participate in the State Islamic Judge Education (PHIN), a leading vocational school under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion in Yogyakarta. A special school that is intended for them to be the best graduates of PGA and Madrasah Tsanawiyah alumni throughout Indonesia. Mahfud completed his PHIN education in 1978.

While waiting for scholarship approval to go to Egypt, he busied himself taking courses at the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) and the Faculty of Letters (Arabic Literature) UGM. Enjoying both worlds of science is not easy for him to live with. He finally pursued his studies at the Faculty of Law instead of the Arabic Literature at UGM.

Life that was just barely enough at that time forced Mahfud to rack his brains, looking for a sideline for his education. His writing skills have been published in the Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper and Harian Masa Kini, generating income for him. Followed by the Supersemar Foundation scholarship program, the UII Chancellor, and the Madura Student Dharma Foundation he disabetnya.

World Organization in the life of Mahfud MD

For him, the world of lectures is not enough to simply study for the sake of graduation and a degree later. Mahfud's interest in the organizational world is channeled through the Student Senate, Student Press, and Student Representative Body. He was also behind the Islamic Student Association (HMI) movement, because it was the HMI label that was needed to become the leader of the intra-campus organization at that time.

It was also through HMI that a match was found. Siti Khadijah, who was eventually edited by Mahfud, was also active in the organization.

But from all of that, only the Student Press Institute became Mahfud's favorite and worked on. While at the law faculty level he led the Justice Student magazine, then at the University level he led the Muhibbah magazine, a magazine that Suharto once considered a threat so that it had to be conditioned, banned.

Graduated from the UII Faculty of Law in 1983, he chose the profession as a lecturer and also as a Civil Servant as his career choice. In 1984 he was listed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Indonesia, who later became a Professor of Constitutional Law at the campus.

His doctoral dissertation entitled "Political Law" is a popular scientific journal that has become public reading in postgraduate programs of various universities in the field of constitutional law. The approach collaborates the fields of law and political science. If most academics need a minimum of 20 years to achieve the title of Professor, Mahfud MD only takes 12 years.

At the age of just 41 years old, Mahfud MD's name is a professor. [/ Blockquote []

Not to mention that his achievement as a participant in doctoral education at UGM also made a record, as the participant with the fastest study period in 2 years and 8 months for postgraduate education at Gadjah Mada University, Jakarta.

Mahfud's brilliance tasted the Trias Politica

Conquered the executive ranks of the central level first in 1999-2000 as Acting Expert Staff to the Minister of State Human Rights (Echelon 1B). A year later in 2000 he was promoted to Echelon 1A as Deputy Minister of State for Human Rights, in charge of legislative products on human rights affairs.

Conquering the ranks of the legislature after the executive became a member of the DPR-RI for the 2004-2008 period through the National Awakening Party and served in Commission III of the DPR. In 2008 he left Commission III to move to Commission I of the DPR. In addition, since 2006 he has also been a member of the Expert Consultant Team at the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN), Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Depkumham).

Mahfud MD completed the brilliance of his career by being elected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the period 2018-2013. Defeating 16 candidates for constitutional judges in Commission III of the DPR, Mahfud MD was finally elected along with Akil Mochtar and Jimly Asshidiqie as Constitutional Justices through the DPR.

Mahfud MD is a figure who has served in prestigious positions in three state institutions: executive, legislative and judiciary.

Not only that, during the election for the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for the 2008-2011 period, his name won the vote with a narrow lead of one vote: 5 votes for him against Jimly Asshidiqie with 4 votes. On Thursday, 21 August 2008 Mahfud MD was sworn in and officially sworn in as Chairman of the Constitutional Court at the Constitutional Court Building.

Mahfud MD interesting facts

Youngest Professor Enlisted himself as the Youngest Professor around 2000 when he was only 41 years old. The name Mahfud MD was also accompanied by Yusril Ihza Mahendra, a Professor in Law and State Administration.

Formerly Prabowo, Now Jokowi Four years ago during the 2014 presidential election, Mahfud MD's name was perched as the Chair of the Prabowo-Hatta National Campaign Team. But the next one was different, Mahfud crossed over to the Jokowi-Ma'ruf camp during the 2019 presidential election contest. His choice this time was right, he succeeded in bringing Jokowi elected the second time.

Almost Accompanying Jokowi Approaching the official declaration of Jokowi's running mate, Mahfud MD's name is the strongest figure to become a Candidate for Vice President. Mahfud said the political reality had reversed the direction of the wind to the figure of Ma'ruf Amin's old kiai who was chosen as Jokowi's running mate. Even though he was shocked and felt that he was being played by some elites from certain coalition parties, he did not feel hurt. Because a Mahfud MD is no more important than an Indonesian state.

Mahfud's child who was given milk by Vina Amelia, was once thought to come from an underprivileged family when she was studying at Universitas Airlangga last year. Sympathy came from a lecturer named Chairul, so he was willing to buy milk for Vina. One time, Mahfud wanted to express his gratitude by inviting Chairul to dinner. Upon hearing who the father of his students was, Chairul was very surprised because he never thought Mahfud MD was Vina's father. Even though at that time Mahfud was the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, with an above average income, he still chose a simple life.

Jellyfish Jogging Against Corona One of the official claims that eventually became a controversy regarding the Corona pandemic was also raised by Mahfud MD. Feeling confident that just exercising is enough to ward off the spread of the virus, which has become increasingly excited and makes netizens sneer and sneer after seeing this professor dancing Jellyfish through the Tik-Tok application.

Investigating the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs

The name Mahfud MD was appointed by President Jokowi as the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to replace Wiranto. Not long after, he was officially the Menkopolhukam, he immediately resigned as a member of the BPIP (Pancasila Ideology Development Board) headed by Megawati Soekarno Putri and Parampara Raja Yogyakarta, advisers to the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

As Parampara Raja since 2016 based on the mandate of Law 13 of 2012 concerning the privileges of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Mahfud's term of office actually still has 1.5 years left.

Examining the role of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs since his election until recently is indeed interesting, as follows:

The first priority task he heard from the president was deradicalizing those who had, or had the potential to lead to radicalism, which he emphasized on October 28, 2019, "We will indeed carry out a deradicalization program. The president's message is to deradicalize," said Mahfud MD.

Then, this is what Mahfud MD has done since serving as Menkopolkukam in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet until recently

In November 2019, when the name of Ahok, who was once a former convict, was widely discussed by the public because he was nominated as a candidate for Pertamina Commissioner by Erick Thohir, Mahfud MD said it was not a big problem in the eyes of the law. He said during a pilgrimage at the grave of the late Gus Dur at the Tebuireng Islamic boarding school, East Java, "Ahok at Pertamina is okay. If I talk about law, there are no legal problems,"

Quoted from YouTube in December 2019, he strongly approved the death penalty for corruptors. He said "I have always agreed, because it destroys the blood flow of a nation that is corrupted by corruptors,".

Prior to the election of Firli Bahuri as the newest KPK chairman, he was in the same ranks asking for his position in the Indonesian National Police to be released first, or to resign.

His name is in the 4th position as the minister most recognized by his own people, Mahfud MD is below Erick Thohir's position with a popularity rate of 7.9 percent according to the Indo Barometer version.

Mahfud became one of thousands of prospective worshipers who were forced to cancel their Umrah departure in March 2020 due to the effects of the Corona pandemic, so the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was forced to close access from outside countries.

When Menkumham Yasonna Laoly released thousands of prisoners in the midst of a pandemic situation, Mahfud refused to release the convicts with corrupt status. According to him, they are already occupying cells that are not the same as most of the prisoners who are close to each other, then the reasons for remission have been regulated through Government Regulation Number 99 of 2012 concerning Requirements and Procedures for the Implementation of the Rights of Correctional Assistants.

Mahfud MD disbanded the Government and Development Guard and Security Team (TP4) at the central and regional levels. He believes that many elements of fraud through T4D against those in the regions are also tainted by the role of prosecutors and regional heads who use their powers.

To KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono, who had just been appointed by President Jokowi, he advised that the TNI's role in protecting Natuna waters and islands be increased. Do not forget to pay attention to the safety of local fishing activities.

Appreciating Nurhadi's arrest by the KPK, this former secretary of the Supreme Court disappeared a long time after his status was determined by the KPK as a suspect. Then, the controversy over the result of the court decision against the perpetrators of the hard water sprinkling Novel Baswedan, who many considered unfair with one year in prison, was addressed based on the rules of his role playing. That his role is only as coordinator, not as executing minister and may not interfere in court matters.

"I cannot participate in court matters. I am the coordinator, the coordinating minister is not the executing minister,"

He threatened those who were playing with the Covid-19 budget, committing acts of corruption or the like. This was conveyed by him during a video conference of the 2020 Government Internal Supervision National Coordination Meeting in the Context of Supervision of the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery, Monday (15/6/2020). It is known that the issuance of Law Number 2 of 2020 concerning State Financial Policy and Financial System Stability for Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic according to Mahfud is not an opening for official corruption.

Dewi Yanti, Chair of the National Commission on Violence against Women, also criticized her name, when her jokes analogized the Corona virus as a wife in the eyes of her husband. According to Mahfud, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan first heard the joke, then he continued. Followed by how he responded to the protests of Anwar Abbas, Secretary General of the MUI, regarding the protocol regulations prohibiting mosque activities, which is an anomaly among Muslims. He argued that the 11 sectors stated in the protocol were legally valid.

Mahfud's attitude strongly rejected how the HIP Bill that was thrown by the DPR regarding the Pancasila proposal became Trisila and tended to lead to the revival of the ideology of communism. Raising rejection in various circles, especially through the Islamic organizations Muhammadiyah and MUI, he also agreed that the prohibition of communism in Indonesia was final.

"As a person in the government, I have said that communism should not live,"


Mahfud MD's profile

Full Name: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud MD., SH, SU

Nickname: Mahfud

Place and Date of Birth: Madura, East Java, May 13, 1957

Professionals Academics, Bureaucrats, Politicians


Parents: Mahmodin, Suti Khadijah


Children: Muhammad Ikhwan Zein, Vina Amelia, Royhan Akbar

Assets: de

Social Media: Twitter: (at) mahfudmd



Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Pondok Pesantre Al Mardhiyyah, Waru, Pamekasan, Madura. SD Negeri Waru, Pamekasan, Madura. Pamekasan State School of Religious Education (PGA), Madura. State Islamic Judge Education (PHIN), Yogyakarta. 1 Bachelor of Constitutional Law, Faculty Law of the Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. Bachelor of Arabic Literature, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Master of Political Science, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.



Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights, Advanced Indonesian Cabinet, 2019-2024 Members of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, 2018-2020 Members of the Steering Committee for the Presidential Work Unit for the Development of Pancasila Ideology, 2017-2018 Chair of the Indonesian Constitutional Court, 2008 -2013 Member of DPR-RI Commission II and Deputy Chair of the Legislative Body, 2004-2008 Members of the Expert Consultant Team at the National Law Development Agency (BPHN), Ministry of Law and Human Rights RI. Minister of Defense of Indonesia and Minister of Justice, 2000-2001.Plt. Expert Staff and Deputy to the State Minister for Human Rights, 1999-2000. Lecturer at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 1984.