Riau Prosecutor's Office Detains Couples From Prosecutors And Police Related To Bribery Cases

RIAU - The Riau High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has detained a husband and wife (couple) suspect in the alleged bribery case involving a prosecutor with the initials SH and her husband, who is a police officer with the initials Bripka BA.Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section (Humas) of the Riau Prosecutor's Office, Bambang Heri Purwanto, said that the Bengkalis SH District Attorney's office was designated as a city prisoner, while the husband after the health examination was detained at the Riau Regional Police detention center (Rutan)."It is true, Monday night the detention of SH and BA. SH city prisoners and BA was placed in the Riau Police Detention Center," he said in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, November 21.He explained that SH and BA were suspected of accepting bribes from Fauzan, a drug defendant at the Bengkalis District Court whose case was handled by SH.Bambang said that the consideration of the Riau Special Criminal Investigation Team for detaining SH's house was due to requests and guarantees from the family and also cooperative suspects."In addition, the suspect is pregnant and has a four-year-old child," he said.Suspects BA and SH are suspected of violating Article 12 letter (a) or Article 12 letter (b) or Article 11 or Article 5 paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
Previously, the Adhyaksa Corps had also detained a suspect with the initials K, who previously had the status of a witness to a wanted list, until he was finally arrested on Wednesday (25/10) in East Jakarta.As for the role of suspect K, it is known as an intermediary from the family of the defendant Fauzan, who transferred money to BA through the account number of BA colleagues.