Proposed Jabodebek LRT Dynamic Tariff Scheme, Tariffs Can Be Cheaper In Certain Hours

YOGYAKARTA - The LRT dynamic tariff proposal is being studied by the Ministry of Transportation to apply to the Light Rail Transit Jabodebek service. Dynamic tariffs or dynamic pricing are different service pricing schemes during the sales time horizon.

The implementation of this dynamic pricing scheme is usually carried out to pay attention to high or low demand at one time. Actually, this scheme is usually used in various business lines. For example, in online motorcycle taxi rates, when you have a lot of busy hours or demand, the one-way fare will also be increased.

The plan is that the scheme at the Jabodebek LRT will be the same, but there are slight differences. So what is the proposed dynamic tariff for the Jabodebek LRT being discussed by the Ministry of Transportation?

Adita Irawati, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, said that the dynamic pricing that will be used in the Jabodebek LRT tariff scheme will make costs cheaper during peak hours. This discourse arose in the midst of the proposed dispensation of the Jabodebek LRT tariff due to disturbances which in recent times experienced this mode of transportation.

"This is called dynamic (princing) depending on the off (hour) and peak (hour). So when it's peak like now, the price can be cheaper," said Adita at the DPR RI Complex, on Tuesday (7/11).

The discourse on dynamic pricing is still being studied and evaluated by the Ministry of Transportation. Adita said that her party was still considering whether or not it was necessary to implement dynamic pricing if you looked at the profile of Jabodebek LRT users as a whole.

Until now, the Jabodebek LRT service rate is set starting from Rp. 3,000 for a minimum tariff and Rp. 20,000 for a maximum tariff. Meanwhile, services on weekends and national holidays are applied slightly cheaper, which is only up to Rp. 10,000 for maximum tariffs.

Although the application of dynamic pricing can make tariffs cheaper, this scheme still does not deserve to be implemented in the Jabodebek LRT service. Deddy Herlambang, Executive Director of the Institute for Transportation Studies (Instran), believes that the Jabodebek LRT train journey is still not normal.

According to Deddy, the implementation of the dynamic tariff scheme still does not need to be used on the Jabodebek LRT. Deddy also believes that determining which peak hours and quiet hours will be very difficult. The waiting time for this train service is still 1 hour, sometimes even more.

Deddy said the dynamic tariff scheme could and should apply if the Jabodebek LRT has become a public need. For example, such as the electric rail transportation service (KRL). Deddy assessed that the Jabodebek LRT has not yet become a transportation that is prioritized by the community.

Then what are the benefits of implementing the Jabodebek LRT dynamic scheme tariff? According to Deddy, dynamic pricing is the fairest tariff scheme for mass transportation services. The reason is, when passengers are full, many people bear the cost of transportation production. It also makes transportation service rates cheaper.

Meanwhile, when passengers are quiet, the tariff will be set more expensive because only a few people bear the cost of producing their transportation. In addition, during quiet passenger hours, people can feel higher comfort because they do not need to crash or jostle.

Such is the review of the proposed LRT dynamic tariff scheme. Although the discourse continues, Adita from the Ministry of Transportation still has not talked about when the study will be completed and dynamic pricing will take effect. He signaled that the LRT dynamic tariff scheme proposal could not be implemented this year.

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