Poster Ganjar Pranowo Removed, Volunteers Geruduk Yogyakarta Satpol PP Office

The mass supporters of the PDI-P presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, stormed the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP office, Friday, November 17, This action was the aftermath of a video of the removal of Ganjar's poster by Satpol PP, on Jalan Batikan, Umbulharjo Thursday, November 16, which circulated on social media. On that day, Ganjar had an agenda for visiting Yogyakarta.

"We didn't accept that when Pak Ganjar came here the picture was removed," said PDIP cadre who is also a member of the Yogyakarta City DPRD, Antonius Fokki Ardiyanto, in his speech in front of the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP office.

He said the removal of Ganjar's banner was systematic. Not only in Yogyakarta, but in a number of areas where Presidential Candidate number three visited. For example in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra.

"It looks the same pattern. Every time Pak Ganjar comes, his banner is removed," he said.

For this reason, he will not hesitate to bring the imi case to the realm of law.

"Whose order is this? When ASN takes sides, we demand a crime. Opponent!" he said to the screams of the masses.

The head of the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP, October Noor Arafat, again explained that the removal was a form of control and enforcement of the Yogyakarta City Regulation Number 6 of 2022 concerning billboards.

"This is an activity to control daily billboards. Not only the X-rays of one of the presidential candidates, but everything that is not in accordance with our regional regulations is orderly. Especially those that are not licensed and guided by trees," said Octo.

Octo also showed data and photos about removing posters that violated the rules over the past few days. All the billboards for the third poster of the Presidential Candidate-Cawapres were also removed by the Satpol PP.

"There is no selective slash," he said.

This control will last every day until the campaign period. According to Octo, during the enforcement campaign the rules will coordinate Bawaslu. Octo also denied the removal of the poster related to Ganjar Pranowo's visit.