AP II Suggests Hajj Pilgrims From West Java Depart From Kertajati Airport, This Is Garuda Boss's Response

JAKARTA - Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra said he was ready if asked to fly to serve pilgrims from West Java via Kertajati Airport, Majalengka.

Irfan's statement in response to PT Angkasa Pura II's proposal regarding Hajj pilgrims from West Java to depart through Kertajati Airport, Majalengka at the 1445 Hijri/2024 Hajj pilgrimage.

It is known that airlines serving 2024 Hajj flights are Garuda Indonesia and Saudi Airlines.

"I really depend, we have a contract with the Ministry of Religion, if the Ministry of Religion says 'you are flying from Kertajati', that's ready, where are you going to fly,' Irfan told reporters at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, written Thursday, November 16.

However, Irfan said, considerations regarding departures from Kertajati Airport must also highlight the issue of congregational dormitories.

Because, he said, this was related to the distance for pilgrims from the dormitory to Kertajati Airport.

"We don't have a problem, our people just fly," he said.

In addition, Irfan said, what also needs to be considered is a temporary place to stay for cabin crew or Garuda Indonesia crew.

One option is to stay the flight crew in Bandung City.

However, Irfan admitted that if he chose this option, the distance traveled by the crew was quite far.

However, Irfan emphasized that this was not a problem that burdened the airline.

"For us, there are indeed a few problems but they can be resolved, for example, lodging for our crew. Yes, we have anticipated several flights in Bandung, but the distance is a bit far in Bandung, but it doesn't matter," he said.

According to him, what also needs to be considered is the readiness of infrastructure from Kertajati Airport.

Irfan said, if it is confirmed that each aspect is ready, Garuda will be ready to serve Hajj flights from Kertajati Airport.

"So if it's decided, go ahead, it's just a matter of whether the infrastructure is suitable, we just have to follow up. Garuda has never been adventurous about that, he was told to leave here, he explained.

Previously, PT Angkasa Pura II suggested that pilgrims from West Java be dispatched through Kertajati Airport, Majalengka, West Java, at the 1445 H/2024 Hajj pilgrimage.

This step was taken to reduce the burden on Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Soetta) to time efficiency.

President Director of Angkasa Pura II Muhammad Awaluddin said there were a number of considerations before proposing the plan. One of them, related to the condition of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten.

Awaluddin said, Soetta Airport bears a high burden by accommodating the flying group (kloter) of pilgrims. Where, there are four provinces whose departures come from the airports, namely West Java, Lampung, Banten, and DKI Jakarta.

"If the Director General of Hajj and Umrah is carried out because there is also a direction from the Minister of Transportation if the congregation from West Java can all depart at Kertajati," he said in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15.

In addition, Awaluddin said that moving the departure of pilgrims to Kertajati Airport would also make it easier and save time for pilgrims from West Java.

"This will make it easier for pilgrims who are constrained by age or crossing locations," he said.