How To Report Election Violations, Can Be Online Or To The Bawaslu Office
YOGYAKARTA - Organizing elections and related matters must be done in a clean, fair and regulatory manner. If people find dirty practices in the implementation of the election, then they can complain to Bawaslu. So how to report election violations?
In the implementation of the election, the possibility of violations is unavoidable. Violations can be committed by candidate pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, their parties, and other parties who come into contact with these interests. There are several types of election violations that need to be watched out for and prevented.
In addition to entrusting the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to oversee the running of the election process, the public must also be aware and participate in keeping the implementation safe and smooth. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to report election violations both directly and online.
Complaints on election violations are not only based on the findings and reports of Bawaslu. Reports of election violations can also be submitted by Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have the right to vote, election participants, and election monitors.
People who find election violations can also report directly to the central Bawaslu, Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, District Panwaslu, Kelurahan/Village Panwaslu, LN, and/or TPS Supervisors.
How to report election violations can be done directly by visiting the Bawaslu office or the Election committee, as well as filing an online complaint. The following is how to report election fraud either directly or online:
The public can report election violations in writing directly to Bawaslu. In the complaint letter, the reporter must fill in data containing full names, addresses, reported parties, timing, crime scenes and descriptions of the incident.
Bawaslu will process reports of election violations within a maximum of seven working days after reporting the allegations that have been submitted. Meanwhile, reporting related to violations of the code of ethics will be forwarded to the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) for completion.
The verdict issued by DKPP is final and binding. The sanctions given can be in the form of written warnings, temporary dismissals, and permanent dismissals or rehabilitation.
The finding of election fraud can also be reported online to Bawaslu. The public can complain about it through the official website or the Bawaslu website and the Gowaslu application. The following are steps to report election violations through Gowaslu:
People who report election violations must complete formal and material requirements. The following are formal terms and material requirements that must be met so that complaints can be processed by Bawaslu.
Demikianlah cara melaporkan pelanggaran Pemilu ke Bawaslu baik secara langsung maupun online. Setiap laporan yang diterima akan diteliti terlebih dahulu oleh Bawaslu untuk melihat apakah syarat formal dan materil sudah tersati. Jika dalam waktu tiga hari pelapor masih belum melengkapi syarat yang diminta, maka laporan tidak dapat dilanjutkan.
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