IDX Has Not Planned To Tighten Company IPO Terms

The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has not planned to tighten the requirements for listing shares on the stock exchange or conducting an initial public offering (IPO).

IDX President Director Iman Rachman said that his party had no plans to tighten the listing. "There is no (fixing the rules) for listing yet," he told reporters at the OJK Jakarta Building on Monday, November 13.

Imam targets that by 2024 the company will hold a public offering or IPO of 62. For information as of November 10, 2023, there have been 77 companies that have listed their shares on the IDX with funds raised at IDR 53.84 trillion.

As for this year's IDX has broken the record for most IPOs, Iman added that until now there are still 28 companies still queuing in the IDX share listing pipeline.

"Now there are 77 issuers, maybe not 100 issuers, this is November. In pipeline 28 it can still be shifted to next year," he explained.

Previously, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) said it would evaluate the Intimate Public Offering (IPO) system of the Indonesia Stock Exchange due to the large number of shares that were specifically monitored.

OJK Capital Market Supervisory Chief Executive Inarno Djajadi said in order to provide protection for investors, OJK would evaluate the rules for implementing the IPO initial public offering.

"OJK always evaluates the requirements and conditions for the implementation of the initial public offering, and will revise the rules if necessary," he said at the Monthly RDK Press Conference, Tuesday, June 6.