TPA Rawa Cat Tangerang Returns To Normal After The Fire, Only The Waste Disposal Line Is Different

TANGERANG - The Environmental Service (DLH) of Tangerang City revealed that the transportation of waste to the Rawa Cat Final Disposal Site (TPA) has been running normally.

The head of the Tangerang City DLH, Tihar Sopian, said that activities returned to normal after the fire hit the Rawa Cat TPA recently.

"Currently, all vehicles are also operating as usual and transportation to receiving garbage at the Rawa Cat TPA is also running," he said in Tangerang, Banten, Thursday, November 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that the actual garbage transportation had been carried out since October 22, 2023, two days after the Rawa Cat TPA caught fire on October 20, 2023.

It's just that the garbage transported to the Rawa Cat TPA changes its path from usual because there is a fire. DLH prepares a temporary disposal site.

"Alhamdulillah, now the conditions are getting better and hopefully it can be finished soon and safe," he said.

He also appealed to the people of Tangerang City to suppress waste from sources or sort out and take advantage of waste before being disposed of. Thus, there is no buildup of excess waste.

"Let's sort out and reduce excess waste together before throwing it away. Take advantage of it through waste bank programs, waste alms, or make home waste into creations that have a selling value," he said.

The Head of BPBD Tangerang City, Maryono Hasan, revealed that this increasingly controlled condition was due to the cooperation of all parties.

Previously, the Mayor of Tangerang, Arief R Wismansyah, ordered BPBD to continue to alert firefighters at the Rawa Cat TPA location even though the TPA condition was relatively safer.

"If you look at the conditions in the field, thank God, it is relatively safe, gradually the personnel will be reduced. However, I ask to continue to alert fire engines at the location and officers because like this afternoon I saw in the video that there were still hotspots that appeared," he concluded.