Sultan HB X Reminds Staff: Bureaucrats Are Not Just Office Workers

YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X emphasized to his staff that being a bureaucrat is not just an office worker but must be able to be a source of example.

"Being a bureaucrat is not just a job, but is a profession that is in a field of service. It is also not just an office worker, but is a wellspring of example," said the Sultan when inaugurating seven high ranking pratama officials within the DIY Regional Government in Bangsal Kepatihan, Yogyakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 1.

Sultan said that the officials who were appointed as managers had clear 'job' descriptions and main duties.

Meanwhile, as leaders, they must develop personal capabilities to increase the capacity and performance of the organizational units they lead.

Every position occupied by an appointed pratama official, said the Sultan, should be likened to a "hot seat", where a number of unresolved issues become challenges for the future.

"This is all great work mandated by the people to realize the privileges of DIY," said Ngarsa Dalem, Sultan HB's nickname.

Sultan emphasized that every head of a regional apparatus organization (OPD) is required to be a "work leader" type and be a "role model" for subordinates.

"All of this is so that they are motivated to think smartly, move quickly and work diligently by implementing programs that are on time, on cost and on target," said Sri Sultan.

To the OPD heads who were appointed, Sultan hopes to introduce internal programs, introduce themselves to their respective stakeholders about the services and programs they will roll out.

In his service, the Sultan asked them to instill the principles of "good governance" and the values of integrity as their main "DNA".