This Is Elvis, A Convertion Car For Vocational High School Students Launched By PLN UID Jakarta Raya

JAKARTA - Still in the atmosphere of celebrating the 78th National Electricity Day, PLN Main Distribution Unit (UID) Jakarta Raya launched the Phase 2 'Electric Vehicle Conversion' (Elvis), namely the conversion electric car by SMKN 1 and SMKN 26 Jakarta students.

The PLN Cares for SMKN 1 and SMKN 26 Jakarta program is a form of PLN's support in developing vocational education and accelerating the penetration of electric vehicles in Indonesia. This is in line with Presidential Decree No. 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Program for Road Transportation.

Funding for each school used for car conversion training, used car purchases, and also the purchase of supporting equipment, until finally it can produce a conversion electric car.

Head of the Elvis Program, Head of SMKN 26, Jakarta, Drs. M. Bakri Akkas MT, reported that the conversion program of the two electric cars had been carried out well.

"Alhamdulillah, the two cars converted by SMKN 1 and SMKN 26 Jakarta have been converted successfully within 3 months. There are so many experiences and lessons obtained by vocational students, accompanying teachers, and also myself as principals," said Bakri.

General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya Lasiran fully appreciates the work of students of SMKN 1 and SMKN 26 Jakarta who have worked hard to produce oil-fueled conversion cars to fuel electric energy.

Elvis' conversion program is a form of our support for the world of education and the environment. Through this conversion of electric cars, we support the government's program in realizing a carbon-free Indonesia in 2060, "explained Lasiran, in a written statement, Wednesday (1/11/2023).

The Elvis program is also supported by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office. With so many enthusiasts from students, the electric vehicle conversion program has become an intracuricular subject. PLT Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office, Mr. Purwosusilo, M.Pd also expressed appreciation from the Education Office.

"We are very proud of the students of SMKN 1 and SMKN 26 Jakarta. We are also grateful to PLN for supporting this conversion program. We hope that the experience of this vocational student can be a provision for them in the future," said Purwo.

The two cars converted were Grand Max by students of SMKN 1 Jakarta and Jimny Katana by students at SMKN 26 Jakarta. The Grand Max conversion car was able to cover a distance of 160 km with an average speed of 60 km/hour and battery charging time of around 8 hours. Meanwhile, Jimny Katana's conversion car was able to cover a distance of 180 km with an average speed of 60 km per hour and the battery charging process was around 8 to 9 hours.