Fulfilling Umrah Worship, Maia Estianty Becomes A Tour Guide For Congregations Who Lost Muthawifah

JAKARTA - Singer Maia Estianty is known to be undergoing Umrah to the Holy Land with her husband, Irwan Mussry. Unexpectedly, Maia experienced a funny incident while she was in Raudhah.

When he entered Raudhah, Maia accidentally met 17 worshipers from Lampung who turned out to have lost a muthawifah or Umrah organizer.

"After dawn, immediately run to Raudhah (maklum so that you don't queue too much), even though you have to sleep at the mosque (because of the tahajjud prayer, let it fit right to Raudhah)," wrote Maia Estianty, quoted by VOI from Instagram @maaastiantyreal, Tuesday, October 31.

"The one who is funny, because he entered Raudhah alone, when he queued, there were 17 Lampung pilgrims, the muthawifah disappeared, and they were confused about which direction to Raudhah went by," continued Maia.

Seeing this, Maia suddenly changed her profession to become an event guide for the 17th congregation, which turned out to be the first time she had come to Raudhah.

"As a result, I became a guide for 17 people who I didn't know and they also didn't know me, (because I was wearing a mask) and it was the first time they entered Raudhah," he continued.

"From me to Raudhah, to hand over the location of prayer, plus accompanying them to the exit," added Maia.