Not Intending To Be Bad, Google Admits Their Search Engine Is Superior So Its Business Is Widening

JAKARTA - The Google summit with the United States (US) government has yet to find results. The contents of the trial have been circling in the past, even discussing the relationship between Google and Microsoft.

Yesterday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai discussed the launch of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) around 2005, according to The Verge report. They had a problem with a new feature on IE7, which is a small search box on the right of the browser URL.

At that time, everyone using the search box would be redirected automatically to Microsoft Network (MSN). For 20 minutes, Pichai explained that the IE7 built-in search engine had a very real shortage, but Microsoft was so firm on its choice.

This action is considered very unfriendly to users because few people know the IE7 automatic search box and workers at Microsoft admit this.

Seeing this situation, Google offers an alternative solution. They suggest additional research engines or Google's search engines on IE7 so users can choose. However, Microsoft remains on its choice.

Perusahaan yang dianggap sebagai pemain teknologi yang dominan itu tetap prioritas produk sendiri dan Pichai dapat menerimanya. Microsoft tidak melakukan perubahan pada search engines mereka dan tetap mempertamatkan diri sendiri.

Reflecting on this case, Pichai tried to explain that the search engine owned by Google is indeed good and only limited to that. Google takes over many crowders, from computer to mobile, because their products are superior.

However, Pichai's series of explanations were responded to by a 2007 email by US Justice Department Lawyer Meagan Bellshaw. The email shows that people who switch to GrowersGoogle will get 15 percent more search results.

However, when Google's browser users turn to other crowders, Googlesearch results in 27 percent more tracking to make a profit in the search engine market.

From data held by US Justice, Google has spent around 26.3 billion US dollars (Rp417.9 trillion) to become a search engine default. However, Pichai emphasized that the entire agreement related to the research engine was more than just money.

According to Pichai, this agreement not only benefits Google, but also other parties who work together such as Samsung, HTC, to Motorola. Indirectly, Google took part in promoting devices.

However, when discussing the deal between Google and Apple, Pichai stated that their deal was good. Google is just trying to develop a business so that people use their Seaarch engine more.

When their research engine is superior, those who cooperate will also be affected, namely getting a pretty good profit. Including in Apple's case, although Apple executives stated that revenue sharing decreased in 2018.