Prabowo Admits Mixed 'Orba And Orla'

JAKARTA - The Presidential Candidate (Readpres) carried by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto made an acknowledgment as a mixture of 'orba and mass'.

He conveyed this confession when giving a speech at the Declaration of State Successors in Jakarta, Saturday, October 28.

It started when Prabowo told about the greatness of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. Where, the winner of the 2014 and 2019 General Election contestation wanted to come to him as the losing party.

Then, mention Jokowi's figure as a Solo man who has extraordinary knowledge. According to him, Solo and Yogyakarta are areas that often give birth to great leaders.

At that time, the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party referred to him as the mainstay of Banyumas, Central Java and Minahasa from the Langowan region, North Sulawesi.

"So I am one of the mass organizations and the mass organization. I am a Banyumas person and I am a Langowan person. So an orba is a mass organization," said Prabowo.

With the mixed tribe, Prabowo has the nature or desire to always unite with anyone, including Jokowi.

"So that's where I want to always be reconciliation, I want to always be united," said Prabowo.