Side Effects Using Implanted KB That Might Come After Installation, Women Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA Side effects using KB implants aka KB susuk can be different in each woman. Some of the implant's KB users may immediately feel side effects in the form of bruises or swelling after the installation is carried out. Some of it may only feel side effects after some time after the installation of the implant KB.

The following is a complete explanation of what KB implants are and the side effects that may arise after installation.

Definition Of Implanted KB

Adapted from Ai-Care, KB Imlan or KB susuk is a contraceptive device that looks like a small tube or resembles a lighter.

The Implant KB is used by inserting it under the skin of the inner upper arm. The progesteron hormone contained in the implant KB will be released slowly into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy.

KB Implan is a safe-to-use contraceptive tool and is quite effective in preventing pregnancy.

According to Planned Parenthood, the effectiveness of KB implants in preventing pregnancy reached 99 percent. This means that only 1 in 100 KB implant users are pregnant.

If you install an implant KB in the first day after menstruation, you can be immediately protected from pregnancy. However, if you install an implant KB outside of a cycle, then you need to increase protection by using condoms when having sex.

The implant's KB life can last up to 5 years. Because it has been installed in the legates, you will always be protected from the possibility of pregnancy.

When compared to other contraceptives, family planning implants are fairly practical, because you do not need to remember the schedule of injections or take birth control pills every day.

It has been mentioned above that side effects of the use of the implant's KB can be different in each woman.

Side effects that appear usually do not last long and can disappear in a few months when the body is used to the use of KB susuk.

Some of the side effects that may arise after the installation of implants of KB include:

If side effects of KB implants disturb your daily life, then consult a doctor to treat the problem. If it is necessary, One can replace the implant with another contraceptive device.

You need to know, although the KB implant is classified as a safe contraceptive device, not everyone can install this contraceptive device on their arm.

Some groups that should not use KB implants, namely:

This is information about side effects using implant family planning. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.