If There Is No Intervention, The Monkeypox Case In Indonesia Can Reach 3,600 Per Year!
JAKARTA - Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Maxi Rein Rondonuwu estimates the number of cases of monkeypox or monkeypox in Indonesia if the government does not intervene immediately.
Maxi said this prediction was studied by epidemiologists by comparing the spread of cases of monkeypox that occurred in the UK.
"Edemiologists estimate that our case, with the number of key populations, could reach 3,600 people a year if it does not intervene properly, especially education them," Maxi said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, October 26.
Maxi emphasized that the intervention of monkeypox by actively conducting contact tracing (active case finding), patient isolation, and vaccination by the government was not enough to suppress the spread of cases.
People, especially groups of people who are prone to contracting monkeypox, need to be aware of the prevention of transmission
"So vaccination is okay, but the most important thing is education. Education for clean and healthy living behavior, then don't have sexual intercourse if there are symptoms, or even if there are no symptoms, of course safe sexual relations, using condoms," explained Maxi.
In 2022, the government recorded 1 case detected in August. Meanwhile, in 2023, there were 13 cases recorded in Indonesia from October 13 to October 26.
Maxi then explained that the cause of the spread of the monkeypox or monkeypox case this year was higher than last year.
"So, every time there is one case, we trace close contacts. In fact, last year it was searched for up to several groups, up to more than 10 we are looking for friends (from monkeypox patients)," said Maxi.
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Maxi argues that the reduction in the number of cases of monkeypox last year was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which is still limiting community activities. Meanwhile, currently the status of the coronavirus pandemic has been lifted and there are no more restrictions.
"Indeed, when they coincide with COVID, maybe certain groups have not met, maybe they still rarely meet," he said.
Then, the transmission of cases of monkeypox this year is a local transmission. The sufferer has no history of overseas travel. Unlike one case last year that was infected from a patient in the Netherlands.
"Right now, the cases that have occurred have local transmissions, and the tracing capabilities are the same. Now that the spread has been local transmission, I think cases will increase every day, it will definitely exist," he explained.