PDIP Has A Voice Raup Strategy, Not Worried Head To Head Ganjar-Gibran In Central Java

PDI-P (PDIP) is not worried about losing votes in Central Java (Central Java) even though Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who serves as Mayor of Solo, runs as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto. PDIP DPP chairman Puan Maharani said that each couple certainly has their own strategy.

"Yes, that's okay, right, everyone has our same strategy," said Puan to reporters at the High End Building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, October 25.

It is known that the party bearing the symbol of the white-nosed bull received support as much as 27,053,961 in the 2019 election. Of this number, 5.76 million or 29.71 percent came from Central Java.

Returning to Puan, PDIP in the future will focus on maintaining votes in the area. "We'll see," said the chairman of the DPR.

Previously, the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo was also not worried about dealing with Gibran, especially in Central Java during the 2024 presidential election. He believes this region will contribute victory to him and his vice presidential candidate, Mahfud MD.

"God willing, I am very sure that it (Central Java remains a bull cage, ed). Very sure," said Ganjar to reporters in the Blok M area, Jakarta, Monday, October 23.

He also said that his belief was reasonable and did not just appear. This is because PDIP has moved with other supporting parties such as the United Development Party (PPP), the Hanura Party, and the Perindo Party.

He said, although the supporting party he called was not as strong as the PDIP in Central Java, the party engine had moved with the help of volunteers. They are now moving fast, said the former Governor of Central Java.