Preventing Infiltration Of Palestinian Demonstrations, Banjarmasin Police Chief Receives Dialogue With Students

BANJARMASIN - Preventing the entry of intruders in the Alinsi demonstration of the Student Executive Board (BEM) in South Kalimantan (Kalsel), the Banjarmasin Police opened a dialogue with protesters regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Because the police see that the demonstration has the potential to be used by irresponsible individuals to divide the nation, preventive measures are needed as an effort to prevent conflict.

"We want to provide security and protection to the mass demonstrations when expressing their opinions in public," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Kombes Pol Sabana Atmojo in Banjarmasin, Saturday.

Sabana said that she took preventive steps or preventive measures by opening a dialogue with students to avoid potential intervention from other parties as intruders who could take advantage of the situation for the benefit of the group.

"Mass demonstrations express his opinion in an orderly and peaceful manner, run smoothly, there is no conflict," he said.

He said the masses held a demonstration as a form of humanitarian concern regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that has not been completed until now.

The security demonstration was led directly by the Banjarmasin Police Chief, involving some students on the flyover of Jalan Ahmad Yani Kilometer 3, East Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City.

Sabana explained that freedom of expression is the right of every citizen guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution, but it should be emphasized that expressing opinions in public has a limit, namely not to disturb public security and order.

"In principle, every citizen must work together to maintain harmony in the life of the nation and state," he said.

On that occasion, Sabana also conveyed in front of the masses regarding matters that became the attention of the leadership to create a more precise Polri.

"In the Palestinian conflict demonstration, no public facilities were damaged, demonstrations were running safely and peacefully," said Sabana.