Kaesang Pangarep Safari's Mission To The Cirebon Gedongan Islamic Boarding School

CIREBON - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep conducted a political safari at the Gedongan Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Saturday, October 21. This is one of the oldest Islamic boarding schools in Cirebon.

Kaesang revealed that he came to the Gedongan Islamic Boarding School to invite Islamic boarding school administrators and students to exercise their voting rights in the 2024 General Election, both in the legislative elections (pileg), regional head elections (pilkada) and presidential elections (pilpres).

However, he emphasized that his arrival was not to call for the occupants of the boarding school to vote for the party he leads.

"The important thing for me is not to nominate the PSI, the important thing is to come to the TPS to take part in the 2024 election and for sure don't forget to nominate the president too," said Kaesang, as reported by Antara.

On this occasion, Kaesang was appointed as an honorary santri by the management of the Gedongan Islamic Boarding School. This is a form of appreciation from the boarding school administrator for the arrival of President Joko Widodo's youngest son.

"On this occasion we want to appreciate Mas Kaesang as an honorary student of the Gedongan Islamic Boarding School," said the caretaker of the Gedongan Islamic Boarding School, Kiai Ahmad Marzuki.

In giving the honorary santri title, Kiai Marzuki also pinned the skullcap and gave the sandals to Kaesang.

"The symbol of Mas Kaesang's skullcap, which is currently the General Chair of PSI, is the position above and the symbol of the sandals is that Mas Kaesang must be ready at the bottom," he said.

Kiai Marzuki revealed that the status of the honorary santri was given as a form of prayer to Kaesang and the young people at PSI to be successful in carrying out their duties to carry out the people's mandate.

"We cannot always follow Mas Kaesang's steps, the steps of our young friends, so we entrust the status of santri honor, hopefully, it is our prayer that always accompanies Mas Kaesang and his friends," he said.

Kaesang expressed his appreciation for the honorary santri title that was pinned to him.