Firli Will Be Examined Tomorrow, 6 KPK Employees Asked For Police Information Today
Polda Metro Jaya continues to examine witnesses in the investigation of alleged corruption cases in the form of extortion or receipt of gratuities by the KPK leadership against former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL. Most recently, six anti-corruption agency employees will be questioned today.
"(Inspection) 6 witnesses from KPK RI employees," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to VOI, Thursday, October 19.
However, it was not conveyed in detail the identities or positions of the six KPK employees who would be examined by the investigators.
Only conveyed in today's series of examination processes, investigators will also ask for information from the Ministry of Health's Data and Information Technology Center (Pusdatin) and one other person.
"The examination of 8 witnesses is scheduled according to the summons sent by investigators," said Ade.
Meanwhile, in an effort to uncover the suspect in this case, investigators have examined dozens of witnesses in a marathon. Starting from Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar to former KPK Deputy Chair.
"There have been examinations of 45 witnesses who have been questioned before investigators, in the examination room of the Corruption Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya," said Ade.
Investigators have also scheduled to ask for information from KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. The plan is for the inspection to take place on Friday, October 20.
As a reminder, the series of cases of alleged extortion or acceptance of gratuities by the KPK leadership against Syahrul Yasin Limpo began when Polda Metro Jaya received Dumas on August 12, 2023.
With the complaint, the Tipidkor Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya collected information on the basis of a statement collection order (pulbaket) issued on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.
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Not long after, investigators issued an investigation warrant on August 21. At this stage, a number of witnesses were examined, one of which was SYL.
Then, after the series of investigations were completed, investigators carried out a case title. As a result, a criminal element was found so that the status of the case was upgraded to the investigation stage.