Google Develops Technology To Help Blindly Run Independently

JAKARTA - Unlike people in general, visually impaired people need special help and attention when they want to run. Usually they need a guide dog, but Google plans to replace the role of these animals with their technology.

Google is trying to help people with disabilities, especially the visually impaired in avoiding potential injuries while running. They launched this technology after realizing the high level of visually impaired persons.

According to data that Google said, the number of visually impaired people is estimated at 43 million people and people with disabilities reaches 295 million. To help these people stay independent, Google wants to provide them with qualified technology.

Technology with this smart device they call Project Guideline. They have tested this system in Norway with the Salum Kashafali Paralympic Blind Athlete.

During trials in the Akerselva River, Oslo, Kashafali used a safety line while holding a Pixel phone and wearing headphones. Through an application, Kashafali is directed to walk on the right track.

This application is able to identify and scan lines that are clearly marked and convey audio information in the form of directions. Of course this feature makes Kashafali feel helped.

"Technological advances like this offer great opportunities for visually impaired people. This shows that obstacles can be overcome and we all have the potential to achieve our goals," Kashafali said in an official Google release.

Once the trial is successful, Google will open Project Guidelines for communities and developers around the world to build new accessibility. The plan, the Project Guideline Project will be distributed by the end of the year.