Bank Mandiri Facilitates The Provision Of Medical Devices Services For Financial Transactions

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk together with the Association of Medical and Laboratory Equipment Company Organizations (GAKESLAB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the provision and use of services and banking facilities to facilitate various financial transactions.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was carried out by Regional CEO Region V / Jakarta 3 Bank Mandiri Sulaeman and General Chairperson of GAKESLAB Rd. Kartono Dwidjosewojo and witnessed by Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Dante Saksono Harbuwono together with SVP Transaction Banking Wholesale Bank Mandiri Dini Isnarti and General Treasurer of GAKESLAB Siti Fatimah Azzahra in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.

In his remarks, Regional CEO Region V / Jakarta 3 Bank Mandiri Sulaeman said this collaboration was the company's initiative to help the government improve the quality of health services for the community, so that it could be accessed optimally, while developing a sustainable health sector.

This cooperation will rely on various comprehensive digital banking solutions to meet various customer transaction needs and provide seamless experience, both for wholesale segments and retail segments. This is in line with our vision to become the main financial partner of choice for customers with reliable digital banking services," said Sulaeman, Tuesday, October 17.

He explained that joint banking services and facilities include lending, funding, and transactions, including financing with special schemes and Payroll Plus packages for GAKESLAB member companies.

Not only that, he said, through this collaboration Bank Mandiri also presented financial solutions through the utilization of Wholesale Digital Super Platform Kopra by Mandiri to facilitate GAKESLAB member companies, including payment, collection, liquid management services, trade finance, supply chain management and various other services that are integrated on one platform.

Meanwhile, to accommodate transaction needs from the retail segment, namely GAKESLAB member company employees, Bank Mandiri also provides Super App Livin' by Mandiri services to meet the needs of financial transactions and lifestyle in one application such as purchasing plane tickets, entertainment, applying for credit and other necessities.

For information, until August 2023, Kopra by Mandiri has managed to manage 677 million transactions worth IDR 12,446 trillion. More than that, in the last year, the growth of Kopra by Mandiri users has also increased 133 percent yoy to 146 thousand more users.

Meanwhile, Livin' by Mandiri has been downloaded nearly 30 million times and has managed more than 1.5 billion transactions with a transaction value of Rp 1,800 trillion, an increase of 38 percent yoy, in line with the increasing need for customer financial solutions.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of GAKESLAB RD. Kartono Dwidjosewojo said that collaboration with Bank Mandiri is expected to support GAKESLAB member companies in running businesses using banking services and facilities specifically provided by Bank Mandiri.

"We hope that this collaboration can continue to exist and be a positive step for the medical device industry with the banking sector, especially Bank Mandiri," he said.