Ministry Of Industry Collaborates With Local Government To Synchronize The 2024 IKM Program

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) cooperates with the Department of Industry at the local government (Pemda) level to synchronize the development program of small and medium industries (IKM).

"We continue to strive to improve the competitiveness of IKM players through various types of coaching which includes facilitation of access to financing and raw materials/assistance materials, improvement of production facilities and infrastructure, development and improvement of product quality and industrial human resources, as well as facilitation of expansion of market access," said Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) Reni Yanita in a written statement, Monday, October 16.

Reni said that one of the IKM development strategies was carried out through the Deconcentration and Assistance mechanisms.

Based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 19 of 2022 concerning Deconcentration and Assistance, starting for the Fiscal Year (TA) 2024, the substance of the Deconcentration at the Directorate General of IKMA of the Ministry of Industry has changed to a Corruption Task', as defined from the Assistant Tasks in the PP, the target recipients of the benefits are the community, especially industry players.

The budget allocation for Assistance Tasks in FY 2024 has been allocated for 38 provinces, including for four expansion provinces, namely the Provinces of Southwest Papua, Papua Mountains, South Papua, and Central Papua.

"The implementation of Assistance Tasks in 2024 will focus on the growth of new entrepreneurs, product development, and the IKM Direct Assistance Unit (UPL)," said Reni.

He hopes that all program/activity plans that are prepared and formulated in accordance with the work and budget plan, as well as taking into account the principle of accountability, later a good plan can be obtained to achieve the output target in accordance with the 2020-2024 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan (Renstra).

"As the last year of the RPJMN, the Government Work Plan (RKP) for 2024 is focused on achieving development targets in the RPJMN and becoming the foundation for realizing Indonesia Gold 2045 with the theme RKP 2024, namely Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation," said Reni.

Therefore, in order to achieve this target, the Directorate General of IKMA has held a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Programs/Activities and the 2024 Budget Allocation Ceiling in Bekasi on 9-12 October 2023.

This activity is carried out to review proposals for programs or activities in 2024, as well as completeness of supporting data in accordance with statutory regulations.

In the coordination meeting activity, the Framework for References (SEZs) and Budget and Fee Plans (RAB) proposed for budget ceiling allocation programs/activities, both from the central and regional task forces as well as the Provincial Assistant Task Force, will be reviewed and reviewed by the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus from the 2nd Inspectorate of the Ministry of Industry.

All Satkers are expected to be able to complete supporting data in the form of KAK and RAB in accordance with the rules of budgeting and applicable regulations.