Coal Spill On Peunaga Rayeuk Coast Has Been Cleaned
MEULABOH - The Department of Environment and Hygiene (DLHK) of West Aceh Regency carried out a cleaning of the coal spill incident in the coastal area of Peunaga Rayeuk Village, Meureubo District,
Head of the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) of West Aceh Regency, Bukhari, said that the coal supply had been cleaned. "Currently, the coastal area of Peunaga Rayeuk Village is clean," he said as reported by ANTARA.
In an effort to clean up coastal areas from coal spills, according to him, the company provides transportation costs of Rp. 25,000 per kilogram to residents who collect coal spills in coastal areas.
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Bukhari said that the company concerned was responsible for cleaning up if there was an incident of coal loading spilled over in its operational area.
He explained that the coal material that littered the coastal area of Peunaga Rayeuk Village in mid-September 2023 was thought to have come from an overturned barge.
"The spilled coal material is coal material which is thought to have come from a barge that capsized several years ago, which was allegedly carried by the current to the coast," said Bukhari.
He conveyed that the West Aceh Regency Government together with the Aceh Provincial Government and the Aceh People's Representative Council discussed surveillance efforts to prevent pollution due to coal spills in coastal areas.