The Rise Of Bullying, Police Start Educational Students In Schools
JAKARTA - Hundreds of elementary school (SDN) students in the Kebon Jeruk area received education on preventing bullying (bully) and the dangers of drug abuse by the Kebon Jeruk Police.
The Head of Binmas for the Kebon Jeruk Police, AKP Suharmanto, said the counseling was held at SDN 03 Kelapa Dua and SDN 04 Kebon Jeruk.
"The fulfillment and socialization aim to provide early understanding to children about the dangers of bullying and drug abuse that could threaten the nation's next generation," said AKP Suharmanto, Thursday, October 12.
Activities to prevent bullying carried out in the school environment discussed the impact caused by the victims.
"We discussed concrete efforts to prevent bullying in schools," he said.
According to AKP Suharmanto, through this understanding, it is hoped that students can recognize signs of bullying and learn to report these cases to the authorities.
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Meanwhile, related to drug abuse, students are given information regarding the types of drugs circulating. Potential hazards that can be posed by drug use for the younger generation, as well as operational strategies in dealing with drug abuse problems, which include prevention, eradication, and rehabilitation.
With this knowledge, it is hoped that students can stay away from drug temptation and better understand how important it is to maintain their health and future.
"This activity is to ensure that children at SDN 03 Kelapa Dua and SDN 04 Kebon Jeruk receive sufficient education and understanding to face various social risks in the future," he said.