Minister Basuki: National Dialogue Results On Water Support Indonesia's Vision Of Gold 2045

JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the results of the National Dialogue on Water support Indonesia's vision of Gold 2045.

"The results from the National Dialogue on Water which took place from July 2022 to June 2023 show the importance of water in supporting the achievement of the Golden Indonesia Vision for 2045," Minister Basuki said in a written statement, Thursday, October 12.

Basuki said the launch of the National Dialogue Results on Water was a Side Event from a series of 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (SCM) World Water Forum 2024 events in Bali.

"This event synergizes with the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (SCM) of the World Water Forum 2024 tomorrow. The results of this National Dialogue are in line with the 10th World Water Forum general theme, namely Water for Shared Prosperity and can be a source of inspiration for all meeting participants. In addition, it contributes to the World Water Forum regional process," he said.

The National Dialogue on Water in Indonesia is the result of a strong partnership between the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the Asia Water Council, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development/Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD).

"Strong involvement with stakeholders from all over Indonesia and abroad makes the National Dialogue on Water an opportunity to learn from various experiences at the international level, and to ensure that policy recommendations are in accordance with context and reflect Indonesia's needs," he said.

He considered that the National Dialogue on Water resulted in useful insights for sustainable water management in Indonesia, including recommendations regarding water tariffs and costs to finance investment in water infrastructure and water management, Land Value Capture as an innovative source of water financing, and non-structural measures to address problems related to reducing disaster risk related to water.

Meanwhile, OECD Principal Administrator Xavier Leflaive said there were three recommendations for non-structural steps to reduce disaster risk related to water.

"The first is to coordinate all institutions in charge of disaster management, the second is to promote planning for land use that is resilient to disasters, and the third is to improve the flood forecast system," he said.