Add 6,000 People, East Kalimantan Sharpeners Now Numbered 190,000 People

The population of Penajam Paser Utara Regency (PPU) increased by 6,000 people throughout 2023. The number of PPU residents has now reached 190,000 people compared to 2022 of around 184,000 people. "During the January-September 2023 period, there was an increase in the population of around 6,000 people," explained Acting Head of the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil) of PPU, Mawar in Penajam, East Kalimantan, Wednesday, October 11, which was confiscated by Antara. The recorded population growth, he continued, was mostly contributed by immigrants who moved to the residents of Penajam Paser Utara Regency. Based on the data they obtained, he continued, more population card makers (KTP) and family cards (KK) than birth reports in PPU. This shows an increase in population due to migration from other regions. However, the PPU Dukcapil Service cannot confirm whether the population growth was the impact of the development of the Nusantara City which is an IKN in Sepaku District. The increase in PPU Regency population from the displacement of residents of residents from residents to residents in the area has not been seen significantly from the records of the migration population. Until now, residents outside the moving regions have been recorded to take care of population transfers to North Penajam Paser Regency on average 10 families. "Officers noted that in one day the 10-day range of families took care of transfers from outside the region," he said.

Rata-rata warga pendatang yang pindah menjadi penduduk Kabupaten PPU didominasi untuk mencari kerja dan pindah tempat kerja atau pindah tugas maupun ikut keluarga yang sudah lama menetap di daerah setempat."Kendati tidak signifikan, tetapi penduduk terus bertambah selain dari faktor kelahiran," tuturnya.Kemungkinan sejak Kecamatan Sepaku ditetapkan sebagai Ibu Kota Negara baru Indonesia, bisa menjadi "magnet" warga pendatang dari berbagai daerah masuk Kabupaten PPU.