Minimum Regional Revenue, DKI Provincial Government Will Evaluate PBB's Gratification Of NJOP Houses Below IDR 2 Billion Anies Era

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) Lusiana Herawati said that his party would evaluate the policy of reducing land and urban and urban taxes (PBB-P2) in houses with a selling value of tax objects (NJOP) below IDR 2 billion.

The policy of reducing the PBB of houses with NJOP below Rp2 billion has been implemented since Anies Baswedan served as Governor of DKI Jakarta in August 2022.

Lusiana said that the DKI Provincial Government plans to return to charge the PBB to taxpayers who have more than one house, even though the value is below Rp. 2 billion.

This was revealed by Lusiana in the discussion of the draft APBD for the 2024 fiscal year with the DKI Jakarta DPRD on Tuesday, October 10.

"For example, there are people who have five places of land, the value is below Rp. 2 billion, all of which are free, even though they are rich. But if what he lives is not free," said Lusiana, quoted on Wednesday, October 11.

Lusiana said that the evaluation of the UN infringement incentive with NJOP below Rp2 billion was an effort to boost local revenue (PAD). Given, the realization of regional income in the 2023 APBD is still minimal and has not yet reached the initial target.

"Now people have land worth Rp. 2 billion, all are tax-free. Now, in the future, so that it is fair, only those who can be tax exemptions can be occupied," he explained.

Then, Lusiana revealed that her party would also re-collect the earth tax object and rural and urban buildings (PBB-P2) to increase regional taxes.

"We will still clean the census data. For example, before the census, the land was vacant, it turned out that after the census there was a house, there was a building, automatically taxes could increase," said Lusiana.

For information, the policy since the Anies era that freed the United Nations with NJOPs below Rp2 billion is contained in Governor Regulation Number 23 of 2022 concerning the Policy for Determination and Payment of Land Taxes and Rural and Urban Buildings as Efforts for Economic Recovery in 2022.

The value of NJOP for PBB exemption was raised by Anies after previously tax exemption only applied to NJOP below Rp1 billion by former DKI Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.

It is recorded that as of 2022, there are 1.2 million houses of residents whose NJOP is below IDR 2 billion. Thus, 85 percent of buildings owned by residents in Jakarta were not affected by the United Nations.

From the UN exemption of 1.2 million houses, regional cash revenue from PBB payments can be lost IDR 2.7 trillion per year. However, when he was still the Governor of DKI, Anies saw this as not a problem.

At that time, Anies was willing to lose Rp2.7 trillion in revenue from this UN exemption because he remained in the pockets of the people whose UN was released.

Because, according to Anies, the money that should have been spent by the public for this PBB payment could have been used to meet their daily needs.

"Rp2.7 trillion is usually accepted by the government, but with this policy the funds survive in the community. The hope is that this Rp2.7 trillion will be used to drive the economy. So, more can work, more can get better welfare," Anies explained on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.