Vice President Appreciates Papua Youth Creative Hubs That Produce Various Quality Products

JAYAPURA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin appreciated the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) in Jayapura City, Papua, which gave birth to a variety of quality products.

"I think this is extraordinary. This is a place for coaching, developing creativity and producing quality products," said Ma'ruf while reviewing PYCH as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

One of the products that caught Ma'ruf's attention was a laptop and a TOP.ID branded cellphone developed by young Papuans.

"Earlier there was a cellphone, there was a laptop, I think this is already high technology, it's extraordinary if it continues to be fostered later," he said.

Ma'ruf said various products from all over Papua would provide good prospects for the development of the creative economy of the Papuan people.

"I think it (the creative economy) must continue to grow," he said.

At the same location, PYCH Empowerment Chair Maria Tagobaon said PYCH has accommodated around 13,000 assisted craftsmen from Papuan youth.

The works displayed include Papuan batik, once handicrafts.

"We show the work of Papuan children starting from batik cloth, we also have a recording studio and podcast studio," he said.

Maria said the PYCH operation also received support for the Papua Provincial Government subsidy for the procurement of raw materials and product promotions to Jakarta and abroad.

"The market has arrived in Jakarta, internationally and we have a market at the Papuan Children's Exhibition in Italy," he said.

Regarding TOP.ID devices, said Maria, President Joko Widodo has received appreciation when he was present on the Papua Street Carnival agenda.

"When we were in Papua Street Carnival in May 2023, Mr. Jokowi immediately bought 100 special units for laptops," he said.