The Suspicion Of A 13-year-old Boy's Mother To Unload Her Child's Online Courier Action 15 Times

TANGERANG - An online package courier with the initials M alias Kim (32) was arrested by the police. Kim is suspected of having sex with a minor 15 times.

Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Arief Nazaruddin Yusuf said Kim, who has been a suspect in committing his obscene acts in Gunung Sari Village, Mauk, Tangerang Regency, Thursday, September 28.

The victim is a 13 year old girl, a junior high school student, who lives in the Sepatan area. The results of the examination of the victim were sexually assaulted 15 times," said Arief when confirmed, Sunday, October 8.

Arief explained that the incident began when the perpetrator delivered a package to the victim's house followed by an introduction between the two. Since then, the perpetrator and the victim communicated with each other.

In the midst of their closeness, the perpetrator persuaded with a promise to give something on the condition that the victim obeyed his wishes. From this trick, sexual intercourse occurs.

"(After doing so) the suspect also threatened the victim not to tell anyone about it," he said.

Since the perpetrator's lecherous actions against the victim, the attitude between the two has changed. This made the victim's mother wonder.

Wanting to know why the perpetrator's attitude was not like before, the victim was urged by her mother to tell what really happened. When the victim's mother found out everything, the report was then submitted to the Tangerang Police on Friday, October 6.

The police who received the report plunged into investigating the truth. There are allegations that lead to sexual intercourse with minors who eventually arrested the perpetrator Kim.

"The whereabouts of the suspect were detected until they were finally arrested," he said

Currently the suspect is Kim Polresta Tangerang. For his actions, he was charged with Article 81 of the Child Protection Law with a penalty of 15 years in prison.