Gus Yahya Encourages NU Ulama To Find Conflict Solutions In The Community

SITUBONDO - Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf invites all religious leaders and scholars from the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) environment to be called to find solutions to conflicts that often arise in society and find a way out of problems that can undermine the foundations of civilization.

The invitation was conveyed by Gus Yahya, as he is known, at the Kick Off Halaqah Fikih Civilization II event at the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Ponpes Auditorium Sukorejo, Situbondo, East Java, Wednesday, October 4.

"Muslims must be mature in dealing with major problems that are very fundamental to their roots and have the potential to threaten the safety of the whole world," said Gus Yahya in his statement quoted by ANTARA.

He acknowledged that the Halaqah Fikih Civilization II agenda departed from anxiety over the emergence of a number of national issues and conflicts, even international ones that are currently engulfing humanity.

"In fact, it also has the potential to create massive damage, so that it can undermine all world civilizations. Conflicts that occur in remote places can have an impact on spreading throughout the world," said Gus Yahya.

Gus Yahya also emphasized that what will be discussed and explored in Halaqah Fikih Civilization II is not just a problem with discussing existing laws, but rather on the problems that will occur.

"Therefore, what we need is not just fiqh which only sets the laws against a number of existing 'waqi'iyah. It is not just a conclusion that is reactionary to what has or is happening, but we need civilization fiqh which can find a way out of all the chaos that occurs," said Gus Yahya.

Therefore, Gus Yahya asked the attention of the ulama, especially Nahdliyin scholars, not to turn a blind eye to all existing and current conflicts.

"So, we hold this series to ensure that we know the ulama. Join in thinking and looking for solutions to the many problems that occur today, so that Islam must be present in solving problems in this world," he said.